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Inspection Program Review For Work Towards Completion of Manufactured Food Standards


PROJECT SUMMARY/ABSTRACTThe Inspection Program Review for Work towards Completion of Manufactured Food Standardsproject of the Wyoming Department of Agriculture (WDA), Consumer Health Services (CHS)long term objective is to research and obtain an inspection system which would allow theorganization to achieve conformance with Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Standards(MFRPS). The mission of WDA/CHS "Through inspection, licensing and monitoring the divisionstrives to provide food safety to the citizens of Wyoming" aligns with the MFRPS by providing foran integrated food safety system to ensure food safety for the citizens of Wyoming.The WDA/CHS anticipates the project will require a five (5) year plan to be fully implemented.Within year one (1) of the program WDA/CHS intends to complete a baseline self assessmentof the MFRPS and update the strategic plan. WDA/CHS personnel will travel to other MFRPSenrolled states to assess risk based inspection systems available. WDA/CHS will solicitinformation and instruction from companies offering software currently marketed. The decisionmaking body, includes the Wyoming Department of Agriculture, Administration and ConsumerHealth Services Division and the State of Wyoming, Department of Enterprise TechnologyServices. These entities will be responsible for selecting an inspection system which wouldallow WDA/CHS to come into full to significant conformance with Standard 3 of the MFRPS. Itis projected that this would occur by year two (2) of the five (5) year plan. During year two (2)the organization would anticipate purchasing software for a sustaining risk based inspectionsystem. Year three (3) WDA/CHS will complete training of CHS personnel on the inspectionsystem and complete a comprehensive self assessment of the MFRPS. Year four (4), and five(5) include training and use of the program. The intention is full implementation by the end ofyear five (5) with comprehensive inspection system in place which allows for sustainedconformance with MFPRS which provides for a uniform and measureable food safety program.The purchase and implementation of an improved risk based inspection system will assist theWDA/CHS to achieve significant to full conformance with Standards No. 3 and No. 8 of theMFRPS. An adequate risk based inspection system would also afford WDA/CHS the ability totrack sustaining conformance with Standard No.6. In achieving substantial to full conformance ineach of these standards Wyoming Department of Agriculture, Consumer Health Services will bebetter able to demonstrate significant to full conformance in the Manufactured Food RegulatoryProgram Standards as a whole.

Stratton, Linda
Washington State Department of Agriculture
Start date
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Project number