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An Integrated Pest Management Facilitator for the North Central Region


<OL> <LI> Coordinate and facilitate cooperation and team building among all Land Grant University Integrated Pest Management programs in the North Central region. This includes developing and strengthening communication links and helping to identify opportunities for improving efficiency and effectiveness through multi-state cooperation. <LI> Continue to develop, distribute, and maintain a database that describes attributes, plans and activities of IPM programs throughout the North Central Region. The database will be used in regional priority setting, program evaluation, reporting, and other important functions.<LI> Develop and maintain the North Central Region IPM internet site. The site has several functions, including: serving as a communications clearinghouse for IPM programs in the region, serving as a database site for all the North Central IPM information with sections that describe IPM and providing links to other sites in the National IPM Network, and reaching out to many audiences, especially lay audiences with presentation of IPM success stories from across the region. <LI> Provide regional reports on the accomplishments of IPM efforts across the North Central Region to our federal partners in Washington.<LI> Assist NC IPM leadership in conducting annual meetings, with subcommittee efforts, and representing the Region in national IPM discussions.

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NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY: The USDA, EPA, and FDA have set a goal for the implementation of biologically-based Integrated Pest Management programs on 75% of the total crop acreage in the United States by the year 2000. To meet this goal, the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service and the Land-Grant University System have developed a comprehensive operational plan to put into action the Administration's Strategic Plan for Implementation of USDA Integrated Pest Management Initiative and the Initiative on Research on Alternatives. Included in this plan is the requirement for regional research and extension committees, charged with addressing and coordinating regional needs, representing the region at the national level, and developing an annual Request for Proposals. IPM activities have historically been guided in the North Central Region by the NCR-201 Research Coordinators and IPM Extension Coordinators. This Committee decided to allocate some of their funds to create an IPM Facilitator position to function as a staff person for this committee, working out of the North Central Integrated Pest Management Center Directors office. The National IPM Plan recognizes the enormous need to be more effective in communicating the accomplishments of research and extension projects and programs to diverse clientele, including funding sources, local and national legislative bodies, producers, consumers of goods and services, private consultants and other end-users (National IPM Plan Version IIIb: 9-1-95).

APPROACH: 1) Build regional IPM teamwork through electronic mailing and other appropriate efforts that simplify communications among IPM Coordinators in the region and the national IPM leadership. 2) Help organize the annual NCR IPM meeting by overseeing facilities arrangements, assisting with development of the agenda, preparing information packets, keeping meeting minutes, preparing and distributing summary reports, and following up on commitments and decisions that are rendered. 3) Coordinate the NC Pest Management Center stakeholder workshops that make recommendations on issues and pests important to the entire committee. 4) Communicate routinely with key IPM staff at each of the twelve Land Grant institutions in the region and visit state programs as appropriate to learn first-hand of the progress being made. 5) Identify and develop opportunities for multi-state cooperation, especially through grant proposals. 6) Cooperate with USDA/CSREES, other government agencies and with non-governmental organizations as appropriate to strengthen collaboration in IPM research, Extension, and education program development and implementation. 7) Maintain and improve the contents of the North Central IPM database so that it includes: a clearinghouse of sources for stakeholder-expressed needs and priorities for IPM programming in the region, a clearinghouse of information on funding sources for IPM programs, information on research and extension staff working with IPM for each state, information on IPM and related academic programs and courses offered throughout the region, links to sites with on-line IPM information (fact sheets, recommendations, etc.) provided by IPM Programs in the region, reports from all state programs in the region, information on all projects funded by the North Central Region IPM Grants Program, current IPM research and extension/outreach activities, production and related statistics (crop value, number of producers and production units) for most significant crop production in the region, and a calendar of key dates and events (meetings, proposal and report deadlines, etc.). 8) Make improvements and manage updates to the North Central Region IPM internet site. Represent the region in National IPM Network discussions and facilitate the efforts of state IPM web site managers to improve their sites. 9) Develop and produce regional reports that shows the impact of federal IPM funding. 10) Represent the region in special national IPM efforts.
PROGRESS: 2004/06 TO 2007/05<BR>
Drs. Olsen, Gray, Susan Ratcliffe and Lynnae Jess have provided leadership and program management during the current North Central IPM Center (NCIPMC) grant for the period September 15, 2004 - September 14, 2007. Through our programming efforts we have improved our connection with stakeholders and increased IPM implementation while moving the goals of the National IPM Roadmap ( forward on the regional and national levels. During this project, Center personnel have distributed over $7 million through their grants management programs and project sponsorships. The NCIPMC Enhancement Grants Program has funded over 50 projects including Working Groups, IPM implementation and extension projects, invasive species rapid response programs, pest management strategic plans (PMSPs), crop profiles, educational programs and materials, symposia, forums and state contact networks. The North Central Region IPM (NCRIPM) Grants Program has funded 65 projects to address regional research and extension priorities. Grant funds have been awarded to all twelve states through the NCIPMC competitive grants programs. The concept of regional and national pest alerts was developed by the NCIPMC and production of the pest alerts is coordinated through our Center. The pest alerts have played a key role in providing multi-state and multi-regional responses to emerging and invasive pests with over 1.36 million distributed in the United States, its territories, Mexico and Canada. Building upon the pest alerts' successes, the NCIPMC initiated regional and national teleconferences to provide high quality multi-state and multi-regional training that has delivered six programs to over 500 sites providing educational opportunities at the local county level. The NCIPMC has leveraged an additional $500,000 to provide education and training programs for regional and national audiences. Through the efforts of NCIPMC personnel and other IPM specialists, the National IPM Symposium is conducted every 3 years. Financially well supported, it has leveraged over $275,00 in sponsorship funds and provides an important opportunity for individuals involved in IPM to network and exchange information. Over 650 individuals from 23 countries participated in the 5th National Symposium that was held in St. Louis in April 2006.
IMPACT: 2004/06 TO 2007/05<BR>
As part of the activities in the role of facilitator, several regional and national teleconference training sessions have been conducted. Regional training teleconferences addressed the potential introduction of soybean rust (June 29, 2004) that included eleven states with 100 sites across the region and corn rootworm management sessions on February 4 and 11, 2005 that included nine states with over 750 participants. Surveys were used to determine if the educational programs increased knowledge on the subjects. Responses to the survey questions indicated strong support for this type of training and substantial increase in knowledge of pest issues. National training has been conducted to address the spread of sudden oak death and pink hibiscus mealybug. In addition, a recent evaluation and measurement training program was conducted to assist individuals in documenting impact of their programs.

Ratcliffe, Susan
University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
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