<p>The purpose of this project was to supply comprehensive summaries of the methods used to deliver officials controls in EU member states and within selected third countries.</p>
<p>The Project reviewed existing published information to establish the level of information available on selected other country official control systems and identify areas where a more detailed investigation, including direct contact with selected countries to undertake case studies and gather targeted data. The intention of the final report was to provide a user friendly summary of the delivery models for official controls for food, against identified areas of interest to the RDOC programme. </p>
<p>Background: The Food Standards Agency undertook a review of how local authorities and port health authorities undertake activities to monitor and secure business compliance with food and feed law. These activities are collectively known as ‘official controls’. The intention of the review was to evaluate the effectiveness of the current delivery model and consider the scope for making improvements. The review gathered evidence to assess the current system based on a set of defined principles and outcomes. The principles provided direction for the review, and set out the characteristics that should be identifiable in a system for delivering official controls and formed the basis of how the FSA assessed the current delivery model.</p>
<p>This research is one of the eight projects taken forward as part of the review’s evidence programme. </p>