<OL> <LI> Identify a high priority food regulation that poses significant challenges to small and very small food processors in the use of predictive models <LI>Identify information resources that will provide the greatest assistance to small and very small food processors in the use of predictive models <LI> Produce a prototype of the model portal.
Approach: The proposed work will involve cooperators with the ERRC-MFS, a software development company, a land-grant university and the FSIS Strategic Initiatives, Partnerships and Outreach Staff. The MFS will be responsible for the management and execution of the project, including the portal on an ERRC server, and interacting with the focus groups and beta testers. A contractor will develop the Predictive Microbiology Portal menu structure, produce associated databases, incorporate informational resources and microbial models, and assist with focus group and beta test activities. The FSIS will assist in identifying a priority food safety regulation around which we will build the portal, and in identifying associated informational resources and contacts. The university cooperator will conduct focus groups and beta tests with small and very small food processors.