The information requested by the European Commission included identification of sites/quarries where the substances are mined or produced and the volumes mined/produced per site per year. Suitable samples were collected and analysed for these contaminants. The information from the investigation was used to inform a limit for other binders, etc and a definitive dioxin level limit for kaolinitic clays.
In 1999, a case of animal feedingstuff contamination was highlighted in Austria. The source of contamination was traced to kaolinitic clay binders imported from Germany. It was suggested that the clays could have been "naturally" contaminated during their formation and the European Commission requested information from all Member States to assess levels of these contaminants.
This investigation - part of an EU-wide programme - examined the levels of dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in certain binders, anti-caking agents and coagulants used in animal feeds in the UK. These additives are authorised for use in animal feed in the EU and, where used, represent about 2% of the feed by weight. The samples included raw materials used for the manufacture of feed additives as well as pre-mixtures and compound feeds. Results from this work were reported back to the European Commission.
<p>Find more about this project and other FSA food safety-related projects at the <a href="" target="_blank">Food
Standards Agency Research webpage</a>.