<p>The overall objective of this research is to investigate whether Salmonella shedding, Salmonella colonization, Salmonella carrier-state as well as immune response to Salmonella including cytokine and antibody responses are controlled by genetic elements, and to explore the potential single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)s associated with Salmonella status in pigs on Ontario swine farms. </p>
<p>The specific objectives are:
<ol><li>To identify the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)s associated with Salmonella shedding in rectal fecal samples, Salmonella colonization in liver, spleen, tonsils, and ileocecal lymph nodes in grower-finisher pigs.</li>
<li>To explore the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)s associated with cytokine and antibody response against Salmonella in pigs on Ontario farms</li></ol></p>
<p>One approach for controlling Salmonella shedding in swine is to breed pigs that are more resistant to Salmonella colonization and to becoming a Salmonella carrier. In order to identify the pig genotypes (i.e. single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)s) that are possibly associated with Salmonella shedding and immune response against Salmonella, 1,296 pigs on 12 Ontario farrow-to-finish farms will be tested for Salmonella in fecal and tissue samples, as well as the presence of cytokines, and antibody against Salmonella in serum samples five times from birth till marketing. DNA will be extracted from samples collected during ear-notching, and will be used to determine the innate immune genotype related to Salmonella colonization of the pigs. A mixed multivariable method will be used to determine which SNPs are associated with Salmonella shedding, Salmonella colonization, cytokine response, and antibody against Salmonella while taking farm management parameters and feed characteristics into account. </p>