Project SummaryThe Kansas Department of Agriculture (KDA) Feed Safety Program?s aim is to maintain andimprove its national, fully integrated food safety system by continuing full conformance with theAnimal Feed Regulatory Program Standards (AFRPS). The KDA Feed Safety Program willaccomplish this through self-assessment, training, auditing, enforcement, and outreach. Inaddition, the KDA Feed Safety Program will continue to further develop its Preventive Controlsfor Animal Food Initiative through enhanced training, education and outreach. By implementingboth AFRPS and PCAF, the KDA Feed Safety Program will be able to seamlessly establish auniform application for management alongside its regulatory partners which is essential inachieving an integrated national feed safety system.
Kansas Maintenance of the Animal Feed Regulatory Program Standards with Optional Coordinated Preventative Control
Jones, Jeffrey L
Kansas Department of Agriculture
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End date
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