Project Summary - Overall ComponentThe Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) outlines a new approach to food safety that is risk-informedand preventive in focus. Recognizing that sample testing can play a greater role in helping the Agencyand our regulatory partners prevent contaminated product from reaching consumers, understand risks,and assess the value of strategies to control those risks, Food and Drug Administration has begun theprocess of rethinking how the agency deploys its resources.This will require collection and testing of a great many different kinds of matrices. The LFFM grant will beutilized to support the above-mentioned initiative by producing a large quantity of sample outputs that willdrive a risk-based and prevention focused food safety system that both the FDA and our State partnerscan utilize for tracking and trending, early identification of emerging issues, and evaluation for futuresampling initiatives and areas of focus. Further, laboratories will be offered the opportunity to expand theirtesting scope to build and increase sample throughput capacity and capability within their stateWI BLS (Bureau of Laboratory Services) has been a member of the FERN Cooperative grant since 2009.As member of FERN WI BLS has contributed through many testing, PT, and challenge exercises, as wellas presentations at all the conferences over the past 12 years. WI BLS is eager to take on newchallenges, expand our testing scope, and help FDA with this nationwide initiative. As such, we haveapplied for both animal and human food tracks, as well as both developmental tracks, in addition to theFood Defense and all Discipline D tracks.In addition to WI BLS being well suited with its highly experienced staff, we also have a robust andextensive instrument inventory aligned with the goals of this funding opportunity. WI BLS has over 30staff member and 20 Chemist and Microbiologist who average over 25+ years in the laboratory testingindustry, as well as averaging 20+ years at WI BLS. Additionally, we have our 20.88 agreement in placewith FDA, have been an ISO accredited laboratory since 2008, have mentored other state labs throughthe FDA ISO grant, and have been a grantee of the FDA ISO grant since 2012.
Laboratory Flexible Funding Model - Chemistry and Microbiology Disaplines
Kelley, Gilbert
Wisconsin Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection
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