Project AbstractThe intended outcome of this project is to advance the efforts for a nationally Integrated FoodSafety System (IFSS) through the advancement of the Animal Feed Regulatory ProgramStandards (AFRPS) and to enhance State animal food regulatory programs and work related to21 CFR Part 507 Current Good Manufacturing Practice, Hazard Analysis, and Risk-BasedPreventive Controls for Food for Animals (CGMP and PCAF).The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) Food and Feed Safety Division (FFSD)licenses and inspects approximately approximately 1,900 feed entities manufacturing,distributing, and guarantying feed or feed ingredients in Minnesota. The FFSD has programresponsibility for animal feed and pet food and has a staff complement of 17 for feed-relatedactivities with eight devoted to field inspection and three assigned to pet food labeling, productinvestigation and distribution. The MDA-FFSD also has multiple supporting units that include anadditional 20 staff who fully or partially assist the Commercial Feed Program in day-to-dayoperations including compliance and enforcement, response and outreach, data management,training support, and electronic systems maintenance. These staff also lead and coordinateupdates to procedures and processes including document management as well as achievingand maintaining conformance with the AFRPS.The MDA, as part of this application, will create a comprehensive project plan that outlines theobjectives and deliverables needed to maintain conformance with AFRPS and to incorporateCGMP/PCAF implementation strategies into its regulatory activities, identify and fulfill trainingneeds and auditing programs to advance inspections under the Food Safety Modernization Act(FSMA), build infrastructure and program improvement based upon the PCAF rule, maintainregulatory authorities equivalent to 21 CFR Part 507 and FSMA rules, conduct outreach topromote compliance with FSMA regulations, and participate in joint workplanning, enforcement,and information sharing.
Maintaining Minnesota's Conformance with the Animal Feed Regulatory Program Standards and Coordinating Minnesota's Preventive Control Activities
Rigdon, Carrie
Minnesota Department of Agriculture
Start date
End date
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