Project Title: Maintenance of Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Standards (MFRPS) Infrastructure in MarylandFOA Title: Flexible Funding Model-Infrastructure Development and Maintenance for State Manufactured Food Regulatory Programs (U18) FOA Number RFA-FD-18-001 CFDA 93.367AbstractMaryland has made significant contributions towards the goal of a nationally integrated food safety system(IFSS) through implementation of the Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Standards (MFRPS) andcreation of the State of Maryland Rapid Response Team (SMaRRT). This current proposal builds on thesuccesses and achievements of both the Maryland MFRPS and SMaRRT, by further integration of both intothe Maryland Department of Health Office of Food Protection (MDH OFP), to achieve the following keygoals:(1) Maintain conformance with all 10 of the 2016 MFRPS standards;(2) Complete staff training to conduct PC rule inspections;(3) Work with industry to facilitate socialization and implement PC rules;(4) Continue to work toward mutual reliance with FDA to develop and implement an integrated foodsafety system in Maryland;(5) Continue the integration of SMaRRT with MFRPS through the incorporation of additional foodregulatory personnel to SMaRRT activities and practices;(6) Establish SMarRRT as a learning organization and a center of excellence on technical aspects ofthe food industry committed to continued improvement and the operationalization of an integratedfood safety system; and(7) Develop an information management infrastructure that complements and enables OFP andSMaRRT operational capacity through the effective management and presentation of laboratory,geographic, regulatory, and compliance data.Additionally, the proposal includes two special projects that address specific needs identified by MDH OFP.First, a radiological video training program that will provide training to investigators to enhance public healthpreparedness and just-in-time training for unforeseen emergency radiological events; second, a real worldevaluation of rapid-tests used by industry and regulators will provide critical data to help regulators andindustry alike assess the usefulness of these tools to validate and demonstrate adherence to preventativecontrols.Taken as a whole, the proposed project will enhance the ability of the MDH OFP to support a maturing IFSSprogram in Maryland. MDH OFP will continue our active collaboration with our State (MDH InfectiousDisease, Epidemiology and Outbreak Response, MDH Laboratory Administration and Maryland Departmentof Agriculture) and regional partners to assure food safety and response to foodborne outbreaks. In-kindsupport by the MDH Office of Food Protection is critical to the success of this proposal and critical to thiscontinued high functioning, proactive, cutting edge food safety organization.
Mitchell, Clifford S; Brench, Alan; Henderson, Robin Andrea
Hawaii State Department of Health
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