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The long-term goal of this research and extension project is to improve swine performance through better environmental management and ventilation design. The overall goal of this study is to quantify the ventilation requirements for gestating sows housed in groups as well as update current ventilation standards as affected by animal and housing modifications over the past 50 to 60 years.We plan to achieve our overall goal by pursuing the following specific objectives:Objective 1: Determine the heat and moisture production rates of gestating sows in group pens. Using the same protocol as our prior studies (Brown-Brandl et al., 2014), our approach will be to identify house-level heat and moisture production rates in a group penned sow facility over 12 months, along with ambient environmental conditions such as temperature and relative humidity, and dietary energy intake, to identify potential interactions. These results are needed to supplement current published heat and moisture production data.Objective 2: Determine the extent to which published swine ventilation standards reflect current heat and moisture production, equipment, and housing styles; then, revise where needed. Our approach will be to review and revise the ventilation design procedures described in EP270.5 from the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) and Chapter 24 of the Applications Handbook from the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). Specifically updating heat and moisture production data for different production stages and styles (i.e., crate-housed gestating sows, farrowing, nursery, grow-finish) based on published literature and incorporating the results from Objective 1 as an alternative facility option for sows. Further, calculations will be modified to reflect modern housing styles (i.e., positive pressure, tunnel, etc.) and equipment (i.e., fans, inlets, curtains).Objective 3: Provide pragmatic ventilation guidance to swine producers and the general public based on the revised, evidence-based standards. We will modify the revised evidence-based standards with lay terminology and publish Midwest Plan Service (MWPS) guidelines with practical, producer-/layperson-relevant strategies for evaluating existing and developing new ventilation systems in swine facilities. Also, material for ventilation workshop and independent learning of these updated standards/guidelines will be created.

Ramirez, B. C.; Harmon, Ja, D..
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Start date
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