<OL> <LI> Develop and test a theoretical model to explain foodservice employees' motivation for following safe food handling practices. <LI> Determine employee perceptions of how managers/supervisors impact their performance related to food safety practices. <LI> Develop a set of training modules on supervision and leadership development for foodservice managers to improve their skills and abilities to motivate foodservice employees to follow good food handling practices in their operations, with content based on results of the theoretical model developed. <LI> Implement and evaluate the training modules developed with retail frontline foodservice supervisors/managers and students (future managers) studying foodservice management. <LI> Disseminate training modules through USDA Extension and the Iowa State University food safety website.
NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY: Foodborne illnesses have been linked to foods prepared in retail foodservice operations and caused by human error at some point in the food chain.While training appears to be an important component in developing employees' knowledge and skills in following food safety practices, training alone does not assure follow-through by the employee and, subsequently, safe food. Understanding factors that motivate employees to follow food safety behaviors is important and there is a paucity of research addressing employee motivation. Addressing these motivating factors is essential to assure the safety of food served in commercial and noncommercial operations. The purpose of this project is to determine factors that motivate foodservice employees to implement safe food handling practices in retail food stores and foodservice facilities and develop strategies to improve employee motivation.
<P>APPROACH: This project will consist of three phases. The first phase will involve the process of developing and testing a theoretical model to explain employee motivation to follow food safety practices. This phase will involve the development of scales to measure motivation, including establishing the psychometrics (validity and reliability) of the scales. The second phase of the project will involve developing training modules for supervisors/managers and dietetics/hospitality management students. The third phase will involve testing all training materials and modules for efficacy in improving food safety practices. <P>Phase I will include development and testing a theoretical model of employee motivation (Year 1). This will be done by: a)refining the theoretical model of motivation developed through pilot test (Arendt & Sneed, 2006) b)developing measurement scales to test theoretical model c)testing the measurement scales to determine validity and reliability and d)testing the proposed model of employee motivation. <P>Phase II will included development of educational modules for supervisors/managers and dietetics/hospitality management students (Years 1 and 2). This will be done by: a)determining content of educational materials, based on the theoretical model b)conducting focus groups with foodservice employees to determine perceptions of role of supervisor c)conducting focus groups of front line foodservice supervisors/managers to verify content and determine delivery preferences and c)conducting interviews with upper level management to verify content and determine delivery preferences d)developing educational modules content and strategies. <P>Phase III will include testing training modules (Years 2 and 3). This will be done by: a)developing pretest/posttest, including establishing validity and reliability b)conducting pretest to determine attitudes, knowledge, and skills related to food safety, supervision, and leadership for supervisors/managers and students c)conducting training for supervisors/managers with modules d)implementing training modules in university courses for hospitality and dietetic students and e)conducting posttest for supervisors/managers and college students. Other forms of evaluation may be used, including projects and scenarios. <P>The project proposal has been reviewed by the Iowa State University Office of Research Assurance. All data collection instruments will be approved prior to data collection.