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Multicultural Advocates in Nutrition Needs & Agriculture (manna)


<p>The Multicultural Advocates in Nutrition Needs and Agriculture (MANNA) program at the University of Illinois focus on development of food and agricultural science expertise to address nutritional needs for improved health, food safety and quality. The MANNA program targets the shortage of qualified individuals that can integrate the fields of nutritional, biological, agricultural and health sciences to fill positions that address consumer preferences for a safe and nutritious food supply. Mentors belong to departments ranked among the top five, based on productivity, graduate training and resources. The overall project goals are to: </p>
<p>1) establish a long-lasting, world-class pipe-line for undergraduate training program; </p>
<p>2) develop core competencies; and, </p>
<p>3) increase the skills and diversity of the workforce. </p>
<p>Measurable objectives are to: I) recruit and retain a diverse herd of undergraduates and II) provide a unique multidisciplinary experiential learning opportunity (MELO). The projected activities include: a) recruit and retain gifted Scholars of diverse cultural backgrounds from minority groups in Illinois, b) provide curricular and MELO with proven Faculty mentors, private industry and extension to integrate scientific competences, c) foster professional, communication, decision making and leadership skills, e) monitor the progress of new highly-trained, multicultural fellows capable of entering the work force. The milestones include the graduation of four Scholars by year 4 and incorporation of at least one in a graduate program by year 5. The impacts of MANNA are the enhancement of the diversity and skills of the workforce, and intellectual capital development to ensure U.S. preeminence, competitiveness and sustainability.</p>

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<p>NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY: <br/>The Multicultural Advocates in Nutrition Needs and Agriculture (MANNA) program at the University of Illinois focus on development of food and agricultural science expertise to address nutritional needs for improved health, food safety and quality. The MANNA program targets the shortage of qualified individuals that can integrate the fields of nutritional, biological, agricultural and health sciences to fill positions that address consumer preferences for a safe and nutritious food supply. Mentors belong to departments ranked among the top five, based on productivity, graduate training and resources. Measurable objectives are to: I) recruit and retain a diverse herd of undergraduates and II) provide a unique multidisciplinary experiential learning opportunity (MELO). The projected activities include: a) recruit and retain gifted Scholars of
diverse cultural backgrounds from minority groups in Illinois, b) provide curricular and MELO with proven Faculty mentors, private industry and extension to integrate scientific competences, c) foster professional, communication, decision making and leadership skills, e) monitor the progress of new highly-trained, multicultural fellows capable of entering the work force. The milestones include the graduation of four Scholars by year 4 and incorporation of at least one in a graduate program by year 5. The impacts of MANNA are the enhancement of the diversity and skills of the workforce, and intellectual capital development to ensure U.S. preeminence, competitiveness and sustainability.
APPROACH:<br/>MANNA Scholars will be selected from the University of Illinois, ACES College's Research Apprentice Program (RAP) and Young Scholar Program (YSP) pool. The cohort of four scholars will participate in a unique multidisciplinary experiential learning opportunity (MELO) during in a 12-week structured program every summer until graduation. MANNA scholars are expected to have above average proficiency in the workforce or placement in advanced training (graduate school). Scholars will develop core competencies for: a) nutrition and food sciences, biology and bioinformatics, animal and crop sciences; b) 21st century communication; and c) aptitude to contribute in a globally-oriented and technologically-driven world economy. MANNA Scholars will be followed to evaluate impact on their community. Metrics suggested by the white paper entitled "Human Capacity
Development-The Road to Global Competitiveness and Leadership in Food, Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences (FANRRS)", will be used to evaluate progress and success.

<p>PROGRESS: 2013/02 TO 2014/01
<p>Target Audience: <br/>Under-represented minorities at the collegel level. Changes/Problems: Major changes will come for one or two of the scholars, as they are stillworking on defining their major and terminal degree. In addtion, they are still working towards overcoming academic problems. We are providing advice and additionaltutoring for difficult courses (such as physics, chemestry, and math) and making sure thatremedial courses are taken to maintain a good GPA. It is possible that forsome students it will take an additional semester to graduate. At this moment, we are providing all support possible to facilitate succesful completion of their degrees. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Presentations of research data at symposium and developing technical skills in the laboratory. They
are active participants in laboratory meetings and contribute to publications at theresearch laboratorythat is mentoring them. We look forward to offer professional internship opportunities in partnership with industry. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Results were disseminated at the summer symposia. Informally, among peers of other summer programs at UIUC they contributed with their experiences to enrich learning activities. Scholars are recognized in cross-campus events and are great advocates of our collegeduring summer programs and throughout theschool year. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Students are looking forward toaproductive summer and will try to enroll into an international internship to continue their research projects and advance their professional development. Some stillneed to
overcomeacademical dificulties, but have sustained progress to their degree and look forward to graduating on time.

<p>PROGRESS: 2012/02/01 TO 2013/01/31
<p>OUTPUTS: <br/>We have four schlars currently doing great progres towards their degrees. All participated in a summer learing experience (SEL) inmmersion during 2012 and presented in a forum of peers their findings. The MANNA-SEL Program offered areas of experiential learning opportunities in nutrition and food safety as per the proposal supported by the USDA-National Institute of Food and Agriculture over the summer at the UIUC. The University of Illinois provided support and assisted with the training of the four academically outstanding Latino students participating in the program. We foster faculty/students interactions to enhance undergraduate education and provided opportunities for our students and seek for integration of the goals of everybody involved, establishing collaborative frameworks. To date, our joint efforts contribute
to improve students' educational outcomes, fostering their interest in the food and agriculture workplaces. The USDA MSP Scholar's SEL activities did not jeopardize the satisfactory progress toward degree completion. In fact, we belive that the activities developed during the SEL increased their opportunity to success in their degree. Per example, one of the scholars participated in nutrition epidemiological research and learn about basic use of statistics during her summer experiencea. The following fall semester, the students recalls that her statistical course work was easier to understand and obtained a good grade thanks to her SEL experience. PARTICIPANTS: One of the scholars (Gregory Chavez) has problems on mantaing GPA required for the MSP, it was placed under a special program and remains in campus, but is not a MSP scholar anymor. We replaced him with another well-deserved
student (Valerie Mu&oz) and she is doing a great job on both course-work and research experience. TARGET AUDIENCES: Not relevant to this project. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

<p>PROGRESS: 2011/02/01 TO 2012/01/31
<p>OUTPUTS: <br/>Selection of candidates for scholarship during summmer 2011. Invitation for interview and offer letter. Students start during the Fall 2011 semester. PARTICIPANTS: Scholars names: Ramona Montez, Francisco Belsis, Melanie Christion, Gregory Chavez TARGET AUDIENCES: Not relevant to this project. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.