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MYCO-GLOBE - Integration of Mycotoxin and Toxigenic Fungi Research for Food Safety in Global System


The present SSA proposal aims to implement the outcome of a wide range of European research projects in the area of mycotoxins and toxigenic fungi by supporting, stimulating and facilitating the participation and co-operation with countries having signed bilateral scientific and technological co-operation agreement with the EU. In particular, the SSA will:
<OL> <LI> create a consortium of international experts in the area of mycotoxins and toxigenic fungi;
<LI>identify priorities of common interest by sharing results of the European research with the major international networks involved in the field of mycotoxins and toxigenic fungi;
<LI> address the evaluation of research policy in the SSA area by conferences focused on advanced research tools;
<LI>to improve co-operation practices in the SSA area by transfer of knowledge to developing countries (Africa Asia and South America) and sharing information with advanced third countries (USA and Australia) by bilateral workshops and short mobility missions.

More information

Six work-packages are foreseen: <BR>
WP1. Steering Committee activity;
<BR>WP2. Conference on "Integration of Mycotoxin and Toxigenic Fungi European research for Food Safety in Global System" Brussels, 2004 (dissemination of results of the FP5 Mycotoxin prevention cluster);
<BR>WP3. Conference "Learning from EC: Reducing impact of Mycotoxins in tropical agriculture with emphasis on health and trade in Africa" 2005 (networking withAfrican countries and dissemination of EC research results);
<BR>WP4. Conference "Advances on genomics, biodiversity and rapid system for detection of toxigenic fungi and mycotoxins" Bari, Italy, 2006.
<BR>WP5. Workshop/Training course on "Mycotoxins and toxigenic fungi detection methods" Bari, Italy, 2006 (training students from European and Third Countries in traditional and advanced analytical techniques applied to mycotoxins and toxigenic fungi);
<BR>WP6.Two bilateral workshops with Australia and USA, to be held in the respective country.

<P>For more information about this project, please visit the <a href="…; target="_blank">European Commission Food Quality and Safety in Europe</a> or the <a href="; target="_blank">MYCO-GLOBE</a> Web sites.

Visconti, Angelo
Institute of Sciences of Food Production CNR
Start date
End date
Funding Source
Project number