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The Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (KSVDL) will continue to actively participate with the AVIC/USDA/APHIS, Kansas Department of Animal Health, Kansas Department of Health & Environment, Cooperative Extension, County/City, and University in planning and coordinating surveillance testing, surge capacity, public policy and public education regarding foreign animal diseases, emerging/re-emerging zoonotic diseases, public health and enzootic diseases of high consequence. These activities mesh well with NAHLN targets and will require continued personnel support, additional laboratory capabilities and IT enhancements. The KSVDL needs for enhancing capability and capacity continue to be broad and include personnel, equipment and supplies. Diagnostic testing and resulting, data mining, confidential exchange of critical information with NAHLN, KDHE, KDAH and other stakeholders are essential components of an effective diagnostic laboratory and surveillance programs. The project will continue to provide valuable assistance for moving the bar coding project forward, for completion of the robotics project and for the continuous requirement to increase overall capacity and capabilities of the KSVDL. The KSVDL will continue to participate with local, State and Federal planners and response teams. Train-the-trainer PT and scenario training will continue.

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NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY: The Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (KSVDL) will continue to actively participate with the State, Federal, and County/City agencies and the University in planning and coordinating surveillance testing, surge capacity, public policy and public education regarding foreign animal diseases, emerging/re-emerging zoonotic diseases public health and enzootic diseases of high consequence. Personnel participated in statewide HPAI training sessions during 1Q08 and a NAHLN-sponsored HPAI Table Top Exercise in May 2008. The activities are well-matched with NAHLN goals and will require continued resources and support to meet KSVDL expectations for participation in the NAHLN. The KSVDL needs for enhancing capability and capacity continue to be broad and include personnel, equipment and supplies. The requested funding will assist in the progress toward critical enhancements and will continue to allow further leveraging of internal resources. Diagnostic testing and resulting, data mining, confidential exchange of critical information with all stakeholders are essential components of an effective diagnostic laboratory and surveillance programs. A significant need in the KSVDL continues to be the necessary transition to bar coding samples, and this funding will provide valuable assistance for the bar coding project and other activities relevant to state and national security. The KSVDL will continue to participate with local, State and Federal planners, response teams and training programs. If a major incident occurred, the KSVDL would continue to be significantly challenged. The rate-limiting factor would primarily involve personnel and equipment, which could be addressed rather quickly with appropriate levels of funding.

APPROACH: Although we have been able to achieve NAHLN connectivity and compliance because of hiring a project leader (Computer Information Specialist) and acquiring the necessary hardware and Rhapsody, ongoing support to maintain and/or increase appropriate levels of activity and expertise for the NAHLN will be pursued. KSVDL, Biosecurity Research Institute/National Agricultural Biosecurity Center and NAHLN will establish a high throughput (robotics) surveillance testing and training site at Kansas State University. KSVDL will transition to bar coding samples [most importantly NAHLN projects (CSF, AI, CWD, Scrapie, BSE) but also routine accessions]. The KSVDL will continue to participate with local, State and Federal planners and response teams, including train-the-trainer PT and scenario training and training at the PIADC, Iowa State University by Dr. Jim Roth and the University of Wisconsin.

Anderson, Gary
Kansas State University
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