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NARMS Laboratory Portal


Project Summary/AbstractEJH & Associates LLC (Datastream Connexion) proposes the development and operationsof a NARMS portal based on a collaborative suite of online tools called LabSUITE whichincludes laboratory specic technology and functions. LABSuite is used successfully inother federal lab and can successfully facilitate NARMS needs including cross agencyinformation dissemination.The NARMS LABSuite portal capabilities would include customized working groups web-based prociency testing registration and management and tools that support secureinformation sharing among animal and human health retail foods veterinary diagnosticand other stakeholders. Collectively the LabSUITE & GovSuite combined platform tools isa sustainable model built and operationalized for secure communication coordinationcollaboration education and training among stakeholders charged with protecting thenation's critical infrastructures such as food and agriculture. This proposal focuses on twomain objectives: Develop tools that advance the National Antimicrobial Resistance MonitoringSystem (NARMS) laboratories capacity to respond events through eUicient online data capture and management of laboratory capabilities and prociency testingresults. Facilitate secure information sharing and communication for enhanced animal and public health.LabSUITE tools allow professionals working in diUerent organizations (e.g. governmentacademia) to work together on essential missions and responsibilities despite diUerencesin authorities objectives and roles. This robust platform connects the communitystakeholders to a centralized online environment and houses databases of currentinformation related to the mission of the NARMS to include but not limited to laboratorytesting protocols facilities equipment and professional expertise and contacts. CurrentLabSUITE Information Sharing Environments (ISEs) include the Food Emergency ResponseNetwork (FERN- and the APHIS Laboratory Portal( formerly called the National Animal Laboratory Network Portaland Vet-LIRN ( work is critical as FDA CDC and USDA jointly monitors the capability andperformance of state and university diagnostic laboratories to respond to threats Monitortrends in antimicrobial resistance among enteric bacteria from humans retail meats andanimals at the time of slaughter; Conduct research to better understand the emergencepersistence and spread of antimicrobial resistance; and Provide timely antimicrobialresistance data for outbreak investigations.

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