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National Eden Homeland Security Initiative V


The objective of this project is to further integrate and expand educational role of Extension before, during and after a disaster, using the all-hazards approach adopted by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Furthermore, this project will help EDEN strategically provide guidance and support to CSREES, USDA, and member institutions in disaster education. <BR> <BR> Specifically, with this project, EDEN will have continued use of its network and communication tools to distribute educational materials and information aimed at reducing the impacts of disasters.<BR> <BR> The goals of this project are to make Extension a more effective partner in food and agricultural defense education by continuing maintenance and promotion and use of previously developed EDEN materials and the development of new materials. EDEN will continue to work with the Department of Homeland Security on National Preparedness Month and Ready Business educational materials; and eXtension as a community of practice, organizing information on flooding, agrosecurity, and avian influenza. <BR> <BR> Other partnerships of this project include, but are not limited to, National Plant Diagnostic Network, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Safety Council, and the organizations representing the four program areas of Extension.

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NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY: Disaster-stricken communities are often in need of information and resources before, during, and after a disaster. The purpose of this project is to provide unbiased, research-based disaster education and resources from land-grant universities to the local level through the Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN).

APPROACH: Purdue University agrees to <ol>
<li> Develop and promote resource materials in the name of EDEN, for use by EDEN in disaster education activities and to continue to support the efforts of EDEN to collect and disseminate specific information on food and agricultural defense, and homeland security in an all-hazards fashion. <li> Identify existing educational materials and programs and make them available across the Extension system as features of EDEN and its Web site.
<li> Conduct necessary maintenance and updates to existing EDEN material (online curriculums, Web pages, promotional material).
<li> Conduct audience surveys and focus groups, as needed. <li> Manage EDEN public affairs and enhance communication among relevant Extension, state and federal agencies, and other organizations, to help fill the void of information on disaster education. ]
<li> Develop and provide educational and campaign-specific materials as they relate to National Preparedness Month, in coordination with DHS.
<li> Maintain and promote educational materials on pandemic influenza preparedness for faith-based organizations, in coordination with the CDC.
<li> Manage subcontracts offered under this funding to LSU (for Web-based deliverables), SDSU (for Avian Influenza Response Team), University of Kentucky (for Animal Biosecurity & Emergency Management Course), and to-be-determined contractors for other EDEN course and material development.
<li> Contribute as needed to the flooding and agrosecurity community of practice with eXtension
<li> Coordinate the second round of the regional animal agrosecurity conferences.
<li> Provide assistance and consultation for the EDEN Web site migration into CMS.
<li> Contribute to the development of new and identification of current materials for underserved and special needs audiences
<li> Submit progress reports and a final report within 90 days after the expiration of the Agreement to the CSREES liaison officer.
<li> Report to the EDEN Executive Committee by way of the EDEN HS Project director at Purdue. </ol>
PROGRESS: 2005/07 TO 2006/06<BR>
OUTPUTS: The following outlines the projects we monitored or worked on according to the EDEN Homeland Security Priorities for the USDA-CSREES Food and Agricultural Defense Initiatives. Monitored food and ag defense and homeland security educational issues and reacted accordingly. Provided communication and grant consulting for EDEN delegates Provided EDEN marketing and communication consulting Assisted with EDEN annual meeting Managed all subcontracts
<li> Avian Influenza team
<li> EDEN Animal Biosecurity and Emergency Management Course
<li> EDEN Animal Biosecurity Regional Workshops
<li> LSU Web and database management Assisted with identification of needs to develop more educational materials for marginalized audiences. </ol>

Participated in EDEN Executive and Development committees Focused on Partnership development with APHIS, DHS, USDA, CDC, VOAD Completed FBO Course with CDC Provided curriculum promotion Consulted on EDEN Marketing/ICH committee <BR> PARTICIPANTS: Summer Prisock, LSU AgCenter was a new participant during this period. <BR> TARGET AUDIENCES: The primary target audience for EDEN is county-based Extension educators and agents. <BR> PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Major changes in approach on this project during this time period was to increase the tools that county-based educators had to address pandemic influenza and avian influenza issues. All other changes included the use of technologies to help Extension specialists and educators use a distributed knowledge system, which is the EDEN database.
IMPACT: 2005/07 TO 2006/06<BR>
EDEN goal is to reduce the impact of disasters through education. This project provided more resources for Extension educators nationwide to use at the county level to help citizens participate in disaster education and awareness programs.

Cain, Steve
Purdue University
Start date
End date
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Accession number