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National Plant Diagnostic Network for the Food and Agriculture Defense Initiative


During FY'08 TVMDL will focus on continuing to enhance our current high consequence response capacity. The goals of this project are as follows: <OL> <LI> Establishing/finalizing response plans with other state agencies within Texas that are involved in emergency response.<BR> a. Establish standard operating procedures for sample collection and delivery and data collection and reporting with Texas Animal Health Commission and Emergency Management, APHIS. <LI> Train and proficiency test additional TVMDL staff on NAHLN validated assays for Foot and Mouth and Classical Swine Fever. <LI> Increase number of "certified" staff approved to work in BSL-3 laboratories and/or BSL-3 trailer. <BR>a. Train staff to appropriate SOPs.<LI> Increase capacity for performance of real time PCR assays in two poultry laboratories (Center and Gonzales) <BR> a. Training and proficiency test on NVSL validated Avian Influenza (AI) and Exotic Newcastle Disease (END) real time PCR assays. <LI> Train TVMDL IT staff on installation and use of Rhapsody equipment and software <BR>a. Begin messaging into the NAHLN network.

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NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY: During FY?08, the Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) will continue to enhance its preparedness for responding to a high consequence agricultural event. The laboratory will enhance this capacity by continued development of human resources, information management systems, quality management program, biosafety, and interactions/plans for emergency response with other state agencies. TVMDL will work closely with the Texas Animal Health Commission and other emergency responders to finalize plans for sample preparation, data management and reporting. Additional BSL-3 facilities will be constructed in the Amarillo laboratory. This additional space will allow for a more rapid response and detection to a high consequence event in the Texas Panhandle region (the largest area of Concentrated Animal Feedlot Operations (CAFOs) in the United States.


APPROACH: In order to accomplish the FY'08 project goals, TVMDL will invest in human resource development and training, additional quality assurance activities and information technology development. TVMDL will undertake these initiatives in order to establish and further enhance our surge testing capabilities. In addition to the activities that are funded by this proposal, TVMDL will ensure success of our high consequence response and enhancement of our daily testing through several additional self-funded initiatives. In order to sustain maximum testing capabilities during a high consequence disease event, TVMDL will need to have additional human resources available for testing. In the event of a FAD outbreak, TVMDL will need to have the capacity to test 24 hours/day for an unlimited period. Therefore, during FY'08, TVMDL will invest time and resources into training and proficiency testing of additional employees. More specifically, personnel from TVMDL laboratories will participate in the NAHLN high throughput training exercise at Kansas State University. Participation in this training exercise and subsequent proficiency testing will allow these personnel to train additional TVMDL staff. In addition, employees from our Amarillo, Center and Gonzales laboratories will be trained and proficiency tested on real time PCR for FMD, CSF, AI and END. New equipment for performing this testing has been purchased for the laboratories in Amarillo, Center and Gonzales. TVMDL will work closely with the Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) and other state emergency response units to ensure a completely integrated emergency response plan. More specifically, TVMDL and TAHC are establishing an emergency response working group to address issues of sample collection, shipment, data entry and results reporting during a high consequence event. The TVMDL Information management director and emergency response coordinator will work closely with the appropriate personnel to develop the appropriate levels of information technology integration. This effort will require integration of TAHC, APHIS NAHLN and TVMDL information management systems.

Beckham, Tammy
Texas A&M University
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