Thegoalof this project is to identify, analyze and implement host plant resistance traits wherever feasible. The justification for this approach is based on several considerations: 1) resistance has a proven track record of effectiveness in managing nematodes in agriculture, 2) resistance genes in crops provide an environmentally benign pest management protocol, 3) the cost of resistance use is compatible with both subsistence level as well as high input agricultural systems, and 4) a huge untapped resource of natural host plant resistance genes is available for possible development. The most effective developments in this area will be based on enhanced and new knowledge of the identity, nature, mode of operation and effects in cropping systems of resistance genes. Coupled with understanding resistance in the plant is the need to understand the relationship of resistance to the matching parasitic ability in the nematode. That gene-for gene matching of plant resistance genes and
nematode virulence genes occurs has been established, and the genetic basis for the virulence condition in the nematode requires much further research. New knowledge in this area should lead to more effective selection and deployment of resistance genes for crop protection, and also to the promotion of resistance gene durability. An additional aspect of resistance use is the examination of integrative procedures for nematode management programs, whereby resistance is combined with other nematode and interacting plant pathogen management tactics.Specific Objectives:1. Examine nematode biology in nematode interactions with soil and with plant hosts, specifically including the abiotic factors temperature and moisture, and biotic factors of interacting organisms (fungi, bacteria, other nematodes) and plant host status.2. Develop, refine and implement management strategies for root-knot and comparative nematodes on field and vegetable crops, emphasizing non-host rotations, resistant and
tolerant cultivars and nematicides, singly or integrated where appropriate.3. Identify, characterize, introgress and implement host plant resistance traits, corresponding to genetic variation for parasitism in nematode populations.
Nematode Management in Annual Crops With Emphasis On Host Plant Resistance
Roberts, P.; Huynh, BA
University of California - Riverside
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