Project Summary (Overall)The New Jersey Department of Agriculture (NJDA) laboratory would like to participate in theLaboratory Flexible Funding Model (LFFM) projects to improve animal food surveillance throughobtaining laboratory equipment, supplies, personnel, and training in standardized testingmethodologies as well as quality assurance. Participation in the LFFM will enhance the animalfood analytical capabilities of the NJDA laboratory and help maintain the ISO 17025:2017accreditation. The LFFM co-operative agreement program will help the NJDA laboratorydevelop and maintain analytical methods needed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)and the New Jersey State animal food regulatory agency (Division of Marketing andDevelopment), undertake proficiency testing provided by external agencies, and implementanimal food sampling plans. The laboratory will be able to provide defensible laboratory data forregulatory action. The NJDA laboratory will be able to enhance animal food testing capacity andcapability by implementing whole genome sequencing of the food borne and related veterinaryclinical bacterial isolates. The laboratory will share testing and sequencing data with the FDA.The laboratory will develop surge capacity needed to provide analytical services in the event ofa large-scale microbiological or chemical event through contaminated animal food. Thelaboratory will also participate in mentoring program in collaboration with FDA and otherparticipating laboratories. Overall, the LFFM co-operative agreement program will enabledevelopment of integrated laboratory science and food safety in the State of New Jersey andthe United States in support of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).
NJ Department of Agriculture; Animal Food Product Testing and Capability/Capacity Development for Integrated Food Safety
Patil , Amar
New Jersey Department of Agriculture
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