This proposal outlines a plan to continue the current work of NECAFS with the addition of new activities based on stakeholder feedback and the evolving needs of our target audience. The long-term goal of NECAFS is to provide a sustainable, comprehensive food safety training, education, and technical assistance program that assists small- and mid-sized food producers and processors with FSMA compliance. Our overall objective is to sustain and nurture our established network foundation that supports a national food safety system to increase the understanding and adoption of established food safety standards, guidance, and protocols for those affected by FSMA. Our target audience includes owners and operators of small- and mid-sized produce farms, beginning farmers, socially-disadvantaged farmers, small processors, or small fresh fruit and vegetable merchant wholesalers in the Northeast region.We will achieve these goals by pursuing the following objectives:Sustain and Nurture Network Foundation - This objective captures the continued updates and implementation of the Outreach, Recruitment and Training Plan, Center Strategic Plan, and Communication Plan in support of regional coordination, communication and assessment.Build Capacity, Competence, Confidence and Collaboration - We will continue to recruit and develop a regional "network" by leveraging the collective expertise of partners, FDA and USDA to provide comprehensive information and educational events on topics related to FSMA regulations. Continued outreach and educational events among our target audience will foster increased competence (having the knowledge) and confidence (having the ability to implement it).Develop and Deliver Educational Programs and Technical Assistance - We will connect regulatory development and compliance requirements with science-based research and educational programs through cooperative activities between NECAFS partners, USDA, FDA, and Northeast state departments of agriculture through execution of an implementation plan. Educational programs and technical assistance will be supported indirectly by supporting service providers and educators in our region as needed.National Engagement and Collaboration - We will support and assist the LRCC in meeting its objectives through communication and coordination with the other Regional Centers (RC's) and the LRCC. Additionally, we will collect, organize, and share food safety material through the Clearinghouse.Evaluate and Assess Progress and Impact - We will continue to implement an overall evaluation plan in accordance with our Logic Model Plan, measuring the results, outcomes and impacts of NECAFS' activities across our network.Sustain Good Work - We prioritize achieving sustainability and will use the developed network structure to seek future external funds in support of collaborative educational programs and research initiatives.
Northeast Center to Advance Food Safety (NECAFS)
Newbold, Elizabeth
University of Vermont
Start date
End date
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