<OL> <LI>Build partnerships to address challenges and opportunities, serving the real-world needs of diverse IPM stakeholders and building on existing knowledge to solve problems. <LI>Establish and maintain information networks that provide broad access to IPM resources and enable people to make informed decisions and reduce risks as they manage pests. <LI>Evaluate and communicate successes so that the benefits of IPM research, education, and outreach can be more fully understood, promoted, and valued.<LI> Manage funding resources effectively to ensure that stakeholders receive the greatest possible benefit from public support of IPM research, education, and outreach.
Non-Technical Summary: There is a need to coordinate IPM efforts within the region and across regions. The Center's mission is foster the development of IPM, a science-based approach to managing pests in ways that generate economic, environmental, and human health benefits. <P> Approach: The Center accomplishes its goals through the work of its staff, participation of advisory groups, active partnerships, the use of communication and information systems, and funded projects. The Center oversees two grants programs: (1) the Northeast Regional IPM (NE-IPM) Competitive Grants Program, supporting projects that develop pest control tactics and integrate them into IPM systems and educational projects, and (2) the IPM Partnerships Grants Program, emphasizing collaborative, priority-setting extension projects. Among other project types, the Partnership program funds IPM Working Groups and State Network Projects which provide key connections to states and stakeholders in specific settings.