The long-term goal of this proposal integrating research, extension and education is to provide organic poultry producers with natural, effective, and safe strategies for improving the post-harvest microbiological safety and shelf life of organic poultry products. The specific objectives of the proposed research are toReduce Salmonella counts on eggs using natural, food-grade plant compounds (eugenol, carvacrol, and β-resorcylic acid) applied as a post-harvest antimicrobial wash, spray, fumigation or coating treatment.Reduce Salmonella and Campylobacter counts on poultry carcasses using plant derived, food-grade compounds (eugenol, carvacrol, β-resorcylic acid) at critical control points in the processing line (scalding and chill tank) or applied as a coating treatment.Determine the quality, shelf life and consumer acceptability of poultry carcasses and eggs subjected to the aforementioned interventions.Benefit-Cost assessment of organic egg/carcass disinfection process and operation.The outreach/extension objectives of this proposal are to:Provide food safety and processing workshops for organic poultry producers.Disseminate research results from this project to the organic poultry community, through conferences, electronic and printed materials, and training activities in a research and teaching oriented organic poultry facility.Conduct outreach to organic poultry producers, avian health professionals, extension specialists and other stakeholder regarding the objectives and results of this project.Measure the impact of extension and education efforts
One-two punch for Organic Poultry Processing: Knocking out Foodborne Pathogens with Plant Derived Antimicrobials and Farmer Training
Donoghue, Ann
USDA - Agricultural Research Service
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