<p>An inventory of the most prevalent hazards related to meat production will be created, in consultation with experts and relevant organisations. A list of conditions associated with each hazard, suitable for identification at the slaughterhouse, will be drawn up and linked to inspection tasks. The frequency of inspection tasks identifying a specific hazard will be estimated. The results will be discussed by a workshop including a group of international partners and the results will be summarised in a report. A framework or assessment tool will be developed to assess the effectiveness of inspection practices with regard to hazards from the inventory (created earlier) and the suitability of each task will be evaluated using a qualitative scoring system. Outcomes of the analyses will be reviewed. The final report will include recommendations on addressing possible concerns arising from the findings of this study. </p>
<p>Background: (FS245010) The safety of meat for human consumption relies to a great extent on strict hygiene procedures and efficient ante and post-mortem inspections in slaughterhouses. This study will examine (across all species) inspection tasks as listed in EC Reg. 854/2004 and assess their value. The outcomes and effectiveness in delivering each inspection task will be assessed and whether the same outcomes could be achieved at other stages, which will prevent duplication. Any relevant conditions and pathogens which are undetected by current inspection tasks will also be identified.</p>
<p>Risk assessment of green offal inspection tasks will be incorporated into this study. Relevant conditions found as a result of green offal inspection will be identified and scenarios developed to assess any changes to the risk following modification or removal of this inspection requirement. </p>