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Partnership to Manage the Southern IPM Center


Ultimately the goals of SIPMC are those of IPM: to enhance environmental, economic and human health through application of optimal decisions driven by strong science. <br/>Our intermediate role in the context of those global goals includes: (1) to serve as a focal point and facilitator of communications that promote sound IPM-related decisions in the Southern Region; (2) to involve diverse stakeholders in identifying and prioritizing research, outreach/education, and regulatory needs; (3) to assist scientists, educators and other stakeholders in development and promotion of extension, research, and regulatory solutions to IPM-related challenges; (4) to organize timely responses to emerging issues of regional importance; (5) to promote efficiency by optimizing innovative activities and minimizing duplication of effort across the Southern Region; (6) to document the impacts and value of IPM strategies, techniques, programs and projects; and (7) to build support for IPM among the general public and public policymakers. <P>Objective 1 of this project is to establish and maintain information networks that support development and implementation of IPM in the Southern Region. <br/>Objective 2: to build partnerships that address challenges and opportunities in IPM. <br/>Objective 3: to create and maintain Signature Global Food Security programs that promote and foster sustainable collaboration across state and organizational boundaries to respond to priority pest management challenges such as invasive species, endangered species, pest resistance, and impacts resulting from regulatory actions affecting pest management practices. <br/>Objective 4: to review and evaluate impacts of IPM implementation and to broadly communicate successes. <br/>Objective 5: to manage funding resources effectively.

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Non-Technical Summary:<br/>
Southern IPM Center (SIPMC) integrates competitive grants programs with regional coordination and facilitation, leveraging the strengths of three land grant universities (North Carolina State University, Auburn University, University of Georgia) to foster development and adoption of IPM. An strategic plan incorporating our logic model directs SIPMC activities and priorities. Our information network includes national partners; the Regulatory Information Network led by collaborators in four land grant universities; and the Advisory Council comprising representatives of regional technical committees, grower associations, issues-focused groups, public partner organizations, and environmental organizations. SIPMC builds partnerships through that information network; through our initiative providing technical support to IPM work groups and others; and through grants programs funding response teams, work groups and other projects. Results of a biennial survey of Extension priorities will be incorporated into priorities of the IPM Enhancement Grants Program. Signature Global Food Security Programs include two grant programs, the Regulatory Information Network, support for ipmPIPE projects, information technology (IT) support for work groups, and our Small Farms Working Group (SFWG). Although we attempt to engage underserved audiences in many ways, SFWG particularly enhances our capacity with underserved audiences. The Impact Evaluation Specialist leads evaluation of this project, assists with evaluating projects SIPMC funds, and will provide training and assistance throughout the region. Our Communications Specialist facilitates outreach efforts including distribution of news and success stories through traditional and contemporary outlets, and continuation of the Friends of Southern IPM awards program. We use established financial management principles and practices with which we have been successful for many years.
Staff will comprise the Director (VanKirk), Associate Director (Toth), Communications Specialist, Impact Evaluation Specialist and Bookkeeper at NCSU; Associate Director (Fadamiro) at Auburn University; ;and co-PD (Bargeron) and Assistant Director (LaForest) at UGA. A small Steering Committee (SC) will set policy and an Advisory Council (AC) with representation of key stakeholder groups across the region will provide feedback and advice.
<br/>Obj. 1 Information networks will include the Regulatory Information Network (RIN), led by subcontracting collaborators at four universities (VaTach, UFL, TAMU and UTK) and responsible for regulatory issues; our website and related internet communications networks; the AC, SC and issues-based Working Groups (WGs) funded and otherwise supported by this project, and participation in national and international networks including National IPM Committee, IPM Centers Coordinating Committee, ipmPIPE projects, and others.
<br/>Obj. 2 We will build and support partnerships through our multi-institutional leadership; the AC, SC and WGs; and through our (competitive) IPM Enhancement Grants program (IPMEP).
<br/>Obj. 3 We will create and maintain Signature Global Food Security Programs including our Critical and Emerging Issues grants program, IPMEP, the RIN, support for ipmPIPE projects, our own Facilitation and Innovation Technology (FITT) initiative to support WGs and other IPM issues-based projects, and our Small Farms Working Group (SFWG).
<br/>Obj. 4 The Impact Evaluation Specialist will lead the effort to evaluate IPM program impacts using accepted methods, and the Communications Specialist will continue our efforts to publicize IPM successes through our website, social media outlets, traditional press releases, and other methods. The Friends of Southern IPM Award program will continue to be a key method in publicizing successes.
<br/>Obj. 5 We will continue to use accepted and successful protocols to manage competitive grants programs, subawards, and local accounts.

Toth, Stephen; Fadamiro, Henry; Bargeron, Chuck
North Carolina State University
Start date
End date
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Accession number