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Pesticide Applicator Manual Upgrade Project


Minnesota is upgrading all its pesticide applicator safety education manuals through using, adapting or revising existing Minnesota manuals or those in other states (with permission). Funds received will be used to support various activities to upgrade Minnesota manuals.

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Non-Technical Summary:<br/>
The Minnesota Pesticide Safety and Environmental Education Program is in the midst of a programmed upgrade of all its pesticide applicator education manuals. To do this we need to decide on a category by category basis to a) continue to use manual as is until higher priority manuals are upgraded, b) use, as is, another state's manual, with permission, c) adapt another state's manual with permission for use in Minnesota, or d) revise and upgrade our current manual. These funds will be used as needed to supplement other funds for program staff and faculty work on this project.
Planned manual upgrades in the grant time period include: Soil Fumigation, Aerial Application, Turf & Ornamentals, Aquatic, and Core State Supplement. Activities vary by manual due to amount of revision needed and amount of documentation from pre-existing efforts of the various tasks conducted in other states. Activities may include development of blueprint of applicator tasks, knowledge and skills and performance objectives (based on the blueprint) used as a guide in manual development, convening of manual Subject Matter Expert group to review and revise the blueprint and objectives, development and review of draft manual chapters, editing and writing to adapt/revise existing manuals from Minnesota or others states.

Herzfeld, Dean
University of Minnesota
Start date
End date
Project number
Accession number