The long term goal of this pilot project is to educate and empower the small scale produce growers and processors of southern Illinois region, which comprises of a population mix of Amish / Mennonite, African Americans, Caucasians, and Hispanics, by delivering appropriate food safety education and training to enable them eventually comply with food safety modernization act (FSMA) rules. Identify the existing food safety training programs for small-scale produce growers and processors in Southern Illinois and identify the gaps and their training needs.Identify food safety course curricula and modify them to make them suitable for the small growers and processors, as well as specific crop commodities, of southern Illinois; Deliver food safety trainings to small growers and processors of southern Illinois based on finalized curriculum.Organize a Project Directors' meeting for the Food Safety Outreach PDs in Spring 2017.
A Pilot Project On Food Safety Outreach For Produce Growers and Processors in Southern Illinois
Choudhary, R.
Southern Illinois University
Start date
End date
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