<p>This project relates to maintenance of the software codes that build and compile these models. Also, new or updated versions of the model and training are delivered as part of this contract.</p>
With each new version the contractor will provide the FSA with:
<ul><li>a release note, detailing changes and developments to the new model</li>
<li>an updated user guide</li>
<li>a technical report on the structure of the new version of the model, if appropriate</li></ul>
<p>Also within this package, there is facility to investigate new scientific evidence in the field and review the models in the light of new recommended parameter values from International Committee on Radiological Protection (ICRP), The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and National Dose Assessments Working Group (NDAWG).</p>
<p>The contractor will provide at least one training session on the use of the models during the lifetime of the contract.</p>
<p>Background: In order to carry out its statutory obligation as Consultee to the Environmental Regulators for Radioactive Substances with regard to impact of potential radioactive discharges to the public via the food chain, the Food Standards Agency requires modelling tools to make an assessment of these impacts.</p>
This project relates to software assessment tools used to monitor the marine environment. The tools include these models that have been developed by the contractor:
<ul><li>Probabilistic Radiological Assessment Model for the Marine Environment (PRAME) for assessment of routine discharges</li>
<li>RadSpill for Assessment of discharges for emergency situations</li></ul>