Overall Goal: Expand student numbers and involvement in Food Safety (Increasing numbers of graduates in baccalaureate degrees in the food and agricultural sciences). <P>Objectives include:<UL> <LI> Attract and attain new population demographics for our programs; by the third year: --5% of the entering class will be from a new ethnic group never before attracted to the program --10% will be students participating in courses at other institutions<LI>Develop high quality curriculum tools encouraging retention in the Food Safety programs --Create engaging college level programs --Students evidence of 20% better comprehension and application of the Food Safety principles --Retention rates in the Food Safety classes will increase by 10%<LI>Train instructors to better utilize online tools and integrated curriculum --85% will deliver consistent, integrated lessons <LI>Engage in evaluation strategies measuring participants change in knowledge, observed behavior, and program usability --85% of teachers will be satisfied with the value, relevancy, and ease of curriculum --75% of teachers will notice a change in student Food Safety knowledge/behavior
NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY: <BR> Purpose: <BR>Expand student numbers and involvement in food safety (Increasing numbers of graduates in baccalaureate degrees in the food and agricultural sciences). <BR><BR>Objectives: <BR>Attract and attain new population demographics for our programs <BR>Develop high quality curriculum tools encouraging retention in the food safety programs <BR>Train instructors to better utilize online tools and integrated curriculum Engage in evaluation strategies measuring participants' change in knowledge, observed behavior, and program usability <BR><BR>Audiences: <BR>High school students in the "Teens Serving Food Safely" program Native Americans in Dakotas' high schools and technical colleges<BR> Immigrant populations such as Africans, Asians, Eastern Europeans and Hispanics Undergraduates in academic programs complimentary to a Food Safety minor <BR>Knowledge leaders in recruitment communities, including teachers, professors and extension agents <BR><BR>Products: <BR>Information to enhance recruitment and retention efforts <BR>Innovative educational tools, including an intense didactic laboratory model and an interactive, easily transferable, online curriculum <BR>Teacher training for enhanced abilities to utilize educational tools <BR><BR>Outcome/Impact: <BR>Increased enrollment of students from identified audiences in undergraduate food safety programs - by third year, overall increase by 20%, with at least 5% from new ethnic groups not previously represented <BR>High quality, flexible curriculum with trained instructors will enhance retention - at least a 10% increase in retention <BR>Curriculum will be transferable to other institutions - at least 10% will take courses from partner institutions <BR>Data from surveys, assessments and evaluations will be compiled, analyzed and disseminated through various outlets. <P>
APPROACH: <BR>1. Fall 2008 surveys and gathering baseline data; development of SDSU lab course; Institutional approvals for curriculum changes and sharing <BR><BR>2. Spring 2009 surveys & recruitment activity, peer review and revision of curriculum <BR><BR>3. Summer 2009 teaching workshop & assessment, peer review and refinement of integrated curriculum, recruitment activity; first offering of SDSU lab course and assessment <BR><BR>4. Fall 2009 surveys & recruitment activity; assessment of recruitment, learning, and retention <BR><BR>5. Spring 2009 surveys & recruitment activity; assessment of recruitment, learning, and retention <BR><BR>6. Summer 2010 Second summer teaching workshop, surveys & recruitment activity; assessment of recruitment, learning, and retention; second offering of SDSU lab course and assessment <BR><BR>7. Fall 2010 Analysis of data from surveys and assessments <BR><BR>8. Spring 2010 Drafting of papers for dissemination <BR><BR>9. Summer 2010 -third offering of SDSU lab course and assessment; updating and dissemination of results, and final reports for project