<ol> <li>Develop information on the dynamics and ecology of foodborne zoonotic pathogens, in particular Salmonella, in swine and their environment, particularly manure, in order to develop effective intervention strategies to prevent transmission to other animals or the environment, including water and crops.
<li>Correlate production practices, transportation systems, and feeding practices with shedding of zoonotic pathogens from swine. </ol>
Develop sampling procedures and diagnostic protocols to determine the location and prevalence of contamination of the farm environment with zoonotic pathogens, in particular Salmonella spp. This includes manure in buildings, waste collection areas, vehicles, crops, and wildlife. Sophisticated epidemiologic sampling and analytic methods, and advanced procedures for microbial detection and characterization will be used to assess existing bacterial pathogen load on farms using various pig production and manure disposal practices. Intervention strategies, changes in management practices, and changes in sanitary practices will be evaluated to assess their effect on shedding of bacterial pathogens from swine and their accumulation in the farm environment. NADC, Ames, IA, EDFSR Lab; Bldg. 2: BL-2; IBC pending.