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GOALKonbit PBC will validate:Regenerative Renaissance -- Planet, People, Prosperity. Together™. (hereafter,' the model') in one Native American community, the Colville Confederated Tribes. (hereafter,' the project'.)DESCRIPTION The model focuses on designing for resiliency of:the individual, the community, and the landscape, through a whole-system approach to rural community development while catalyzing food equity and food sovereignty. The project will localize food production using community-centered social entrepreneurship and job creation to stress-test the model's scalability across Indian Country. FOCUS AREAThe 5 focus areas of the model are:Catalyzing a network of Community-centered social entrepreneurs; Localizing food production for 4 season growth using our growing-structure infrastructure;Bring eco-system experts and partners to harness indigenous knowledge as well as contemporary next-gen economic and farming thinking and practice;Local currency for value exchange tracked on an app;Smart farming of nutrient-dense foods.OBJECTIVES We want to#1. design-build two growing-structure farms combining indigenous wisdom and modern regenerative farming principles, 1.1 Are geodesic dome and geodesic tunnel relevant designs for 4 season food production?1.2 Are the geodesic dome and geodesic tunnel designs relevant for multiple variables such as longitude, latitude, altitude, landscape, weather and climate?1.3 Are community members, tribal elders and youth open to co-sensing, co-designing, and con-constructing the growing-structure farms that best serve their local needs? 1.4 Are there other designs that need to be considered for easy snap-to-grow that has basis on existing indigenous wisdom?#2. establish one long or two short growth cycles for end-to-end food production and distribution system in the farms, 2.1 Can one social entrepreneur farmer can feed up to 100 people in their community throughout the year using 800 square feet Konbit farm? 2.2 What is optimal size for a Konbit farm that enables 100 people to be fed locally throughout the year?2.3 Can food indigenous to a locale be grown all year around? 2.4 Can nutrient-dense food be grown all year around given the soil conditions?2.5 What are one or two indigenous foods that can be grown as a potential cash crop by the social entrepreneurfor a wider market consumption?#3. Build-test the minimum viable product (MVP) incorporating software and hardware sensors for blue-tooth and beacon communication from the farms to the app and value exchange using Konbit tokens available on app, 3.1 Are the hardware sensors and software able to connect given the landscape and geographical constraints? 3.2 Is the information gathered able to be shared easily with tribal members, local, state and federal government?3.3 Are carbon drawdown methods and measurements easily captured and shared with the institution partners?3.4 Will community members be open to using digital Konbit tokens as a form of value exchange managed that is exclusively managed through their mobile device on combine indigenous knowledge and contemporary next-gen economic thinking into a viable curriculum,4.1 Can the tribal elders and indigenous knowledge experts come together with non-native next-gen economic thinking experts to build together a new curriculum for the model4.2 Can existing learning be combined with new thinking to create a new curriculum for the model?4.3 Will the tribal elders be open to share their indigenous knowledge with non-natives and non-members of their tribe and open source the knowledge through the establish a cadre of trained and practicing social entrepreneurs and volunteer community members. (reference #4 above)5.1 Will the tribal council identify a social entrepreneur to manage a Konbit farm?5.2 Will a social entrepreneur pays a monthly subscription fee of about $250 for Konbit products and services?5.3 Will the community members be willing to take digital Konbit tokens for universal basic/earned income in lieu for activities performed in the growing of produced in the growing-structure farms?METHODWe will collaborate with:Confederate Colville Nation tribal council;Washington State University Tribal Extension program;Confederate Colville Nation Housing Urban authority;and will use Konbit PBC designs (and limited to) Model Azacca biome structure; Model Bootes geodesic high tunnel structure; software; off the shelf hardware sensors.

Konbit Pbc
Konbit PBC
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