This research project aims to develop an oval saw as an alternative to the splitting saw, in order to reduce or eliminate contamination of carcasses with spinal cord material.
The splitting saw, which is used in the dressing of carcasses, has been shown to be a source of cross-contamination of carcasses with CNS tissue (a specified risk material).
<p>This project aims to prove the oval saw as an alternative to the splitting saw, to reduce or eliminate this cross-contamination. The project results will be disseminated to an extended audience across the EU including potential users, legislators and consumer organisations.
<p>Plans for implementation and exploitation of the results will be further developed during the project.
<p>The final report, "<a href="" target="_new">Removal of Spinal Column from Cattle and Sheep Carcasses</a>" is available at Foodbase, an open access repository of the <acronym title="Food Standards Agency">FSA</acronym>.<P>
Find more about this project and other FSA food safety-related projects at the <a href="" target="_blank">Food Standards Agency Research webpage</a>.