Our overall aim is to improve the safety of food allergic individuals and to provide increased confidence to food allergic individuals who consume packaged food products. To this end, our major goals are to improve food allergen analysis and to improve the way in which analytical information is used to assess the risk that the presence of allergen poses to the consumer. Our goals and specific objectives are given in more detail below.Goal: Improving allergen analysisDevelopment of novel MS-based methodology capable of quantifying peanut in commonly occurring processed states and food matricesDevelopment of novel MS-based methodology capable of quantifying egg in commonly occurring processed states and food matricesDevelopment of a novel MS-based method for fish quantitation which is insensitive to the type of fish presentDevelopment of an MS-based method for milk protein detection that delivers quantitative results appropriate for quantitative risk assessment.Goal: Improving use of allergen analysis in risk assessmentCreation of an analytical framework to support the application of quantitative risk assessment to undeclared soy-derived ingredients.
Robust Methods for Food Allergen Detection and Quantitative Risk Assessment
Johnson, Philip
University of Alaska
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