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SAFEFOODNET - Chemical Food Safety Network for the Enlarging Europe


Objectives of the project are to harmonise and integrate Associated Candidate Countries (ACC) and New Member States (NMS) infrastructures and activities in the field of chemical food safety with those of Member States (MS) and to provide the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) with a network of scientists, researchers, institutions able to address the different aspects of the chemical contaminants in food.

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In addition, through participation in this project, scientists and research groups will have the opportunity to join mainstream research activities, such as the ones developed in "Food Chemical Safety in Europe" (FOSIE), the NoE " Chemicals as contaminants in the food chain: an NoE for research, risk assessment and education" (CASCADE), the project " Harmonized Environmental Indicators for Pesticide Risk" (HAIR), or to promote new projects in the field of food safety. The consortium has 20 partners from 17 countries, which include 4 MS (Italy, Denmark and Germany, Belgium), 10 NMS (Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Slovenia, Malta, Cyprus), and 3 ACC (Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey). Two participants are SME (Godollo Agribusiness Centre, Hungary and Research and Consultancy Institute Ltd, Cyprus). Initially, ACC and NMS profiles will be developed with respect to: the definition of analytical capabilities in terms of both infrastructure and knowledge; the identification of the possibilities of dietary assessment for the establishment of a "standard diet" (according for instance to the indications of GEMS/FOOD of WHO) and consumption patterns. On the basis of country profiles, strengths, weaknesses and training needs will be identified. Consequently, workshops will be organized with local authorities and relevant stakeholders to discuss results of the project, and investigate areas of cooperation. A web site will be developed with the information on contaminants in food in the countries, analytical methods, and regulations.
For more information about this project, please visit the <a href="…; target="_blank">European Commission Food Quality and Safety in Europe</a> Web site.

Colosio, Claudio
International Centre for Pesticides and Health Risk Prevention
Start date
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