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SAFEWASTES - Evaluating Physiological and Environmental Consequences of Using Organic Wastes after Technological Processing in Diets for Livestock and Humans


This project aims at developing and evaluating consequences (physiological and environmental) of using various organic wastes (OW) from the food/feed industry after their technological processing/purification as upgraded, high added value products of preventive/therapeutic potency for livestock.

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In the context of phasing-out in-feed antibiotics for livestock within the EU, such post-processed industrial OW as fruits, vegetables, plant-based extracts would be of a great help to overcome a risk of uncontrolled gastrointestinal/metabolic disorders in the absence of in-feed antibiotics in 2006. Besides, novel high value added products should allow to minimise the development of resistances of pathogenic micro-organisms, which meets consumer expectations.

<P>This project is addressed towards meeting public demands and Community policy for healthy food (no risk of antibiotic resistance) being produced at a higher animal welfare standard. Moreover, it will improve European competetiveness in providing new, naturally purified OW as potential dietary additives/antimicrobials/functional compounds targeted for combating gastrointestinal/metabolic disorders and/or modulating the gut functioning with positive benefits for quantity/quality of consumable products from livestock . Besides, newly developed/purified OW should allow to reduce the environmental burden with the overproduction of methane and other potentially polluting/toxic compounds.

This consortium comprises a multidisciplinary academic staff from the member and candidate states, as well as SMEs to generate new manpower in biotechnological processing/upgrading of organic wastes from the food industry, (bio/phyto)chemistry, nutrition, physiology, bacteriology, functional genomics, feed technology/ manufacturing, and environmental protection.

For more information about this project, please visit the <a href="…(link is external); target="_blank">European Commission Food Quality and Safety in Europe</a> Web site.

Franz, Chlodwig
University of Veterinary Medicine, Austria
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