Salmonella enterica serotype Dublin is host-adapted to cattle and an important zoonotic risk. Most animals infected with S. Dublin have symptoms different than classical salmonellosis (respiratory symptoms instead of classic gastroenteritis), leading to substantial underdiagnosis. Herds affected by this pathogen face substantial costs associated with calf losses and are at a greater risk of being challenged by antimicrobial resistant pathogens. Most S. Dublin isolated to date have been reported to be multidrug resistant and to carry a mobile genetic element that can be passed to other bacteria.This strain was formerly believed to only exist in the western United States; however, a progressive increase in the isolation of S. Dublin from diagnostic samples in the eastern US has happened in recent years. However, no data are available regarding the herd prevalence of S. Dublin in Pennsylvania dairy herds, despite this pathogen being isolated from several human cases in Pennsylvania since 2014 and many animal cases in the past two years.The goal of this proposal is to address the potentially underdiagnosed problems caused by Salmonella Dublin in the Pennsylvania dairy industry by completing the following objectives:[1] Quantify the prevalence of Salmonella Dublin in Pennsylvania[2] Apply advanced detection methods to environmental samples[3] Develop mitigation efforts tailored to farms experiencing challenges by S. Dublin[4] Create training and extension materials about Salmonella Dublin-caused disease and prevention strategies. Materials will be widely disseminated through Penn State extension websites and presential events organized by the research team in collaboration with Penn State Extension.
Salmonella Dublin: Data-Driven Mitigation of an Emerging Pathogen in North-Eastern US Dairy Farms
Ganda, Erika
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