HSE require a specialist analytical service in support of the UK Official Pesticide Residues in food supply. EU law (Regulation 396/2005 EC) requires EU member states to monitor pesticide residues in food by way of a national programme which reflects both the food available to the population and dietary intakes. The national programme also includes ‘EU surveys’ where member States are required to carry out specific monitoring as part of an EU-wide monitoring programme specified annually. Food samples are delivered for analysis every 2 weeks and the laboratory undertaking the testing must be accredited to IS0 17025, where the accreditation was awarded by an EU Member State. There are 5 different groups of food samples needing testing: meat based products, dairy (milk based products), fruit and vegetable surveys (requiring specific matrix matched calibration, fruit and vegetable surveys (requiring less specific matrix matched calibration, and Bread (regular and speciality).
Specialist Analytical Services
Fera Science Ltd
Start date
End date
Project number