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Stone Child College Rural Health Initiative


<p>SCC RHI's goal is to "enhance the Chippewa Cree Tribe's well-being by providing culturally-competent, quality, non-formal health education to primarily low-income American Indian, community members on Rocky Boy's Indian Reservation. This will be accomplished by fulfilling our measurable, time-driven, programmatic, behavioral, and health objectives during the project period of September 1, 2011 through August 31, 2012 (Modified 9/7/11). These objectives are as follows: Programmatic: SCC will </p>
<p>1) provide a minimum of nine (9) Rural Health Initiative seminars to at least 180 (Modified 9/7/11) participants per event on our top health issues/priorities; and </p>
<p>2) recruit and support a minimum of four (4) Rural Health Initiative volunteers and four (4) SCC stipend students who will assist with at least eighteen (18) brief presentations within local education institutions, workplaces, and community centers/gatherings for the purposes of recruiting seminar participants and disseminating health information. Behavioral: Based on pre- and (Modified 9/7/11) post-test results, at least 75% of the seminar participants will be able to </p>
<p>1) identify key prevention, intervention, and/or treatment practices for the seminar topic(s); </p>
<p>2) identify the age-based health behaviors for each seminar topic(s)presented upon; </p>
<p>3) list at least five healthy, culturally-relevant, activities available in our local community; and </p>
<p>4) list at least three methods of accessing the healthcare systems in the local and regional communities. </p>
<p>Health: To increase the awareness by at least 20% concerning 1) our top health issues; 2) healthy, culturally-relevant, activities available in our local community; and 3) methods to access the necessary healthcare in the local and regional communities. st concern.</p>

More information

<p>NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY:<br/> Substantiated Need: Based on national, regional, and local research, our most pressing health needs are Diabetes/Obesity, Diseases of the Heart/COPD/Influenza and Pneumonia/Cancer,and Suicide/Mental Health/Substance Abuse. Specifically, our Tribal members are effected by these issues at higher than national average rates. Coupled with these health needs, there is a visible lack SCC - Rural Health Initiative of local, scientifically-sound, culturally-appropriate, education to address these priorities. Ongoing and Recently Completed Activities: SCC has had vast experience and success in implementing previous related projects. Specifically, we have conducted and attended many workshops/seminars, including, but not limited to: quarterly agriculture meetings, topnotch food safety workshop, food & nutrition education, Youth Empowerment Program
sessions, 4-H meetings,Hill County Conservation District meetings, Rocky Boy Cattlemen's Association meetings, Native Waters, Food Stamp (now SNAP) nutrition, fitness education, collaboration with Hill County 4-H,and food preparation instruction. Preliminary Data/Information: Based on data analysis and stakeholder meetings, the Chippewa Cree Tribal members on Rocky Boy's Indian Reservation are at high risk for Diabetes/Obesity, Diseases of the Heart/COPD/Influenza and Pneumonia/Cancer, and Suicide/Mental Health/Substance Abuse. Specifically, these types of disorders affect our population at a disproportionately higher rate compared to national and regional averages.
<p>APPROACH:<br/> Activities: To fulfill these objectives by providing: 1) information about the value of good health at any age; 2) information to increase individuals' and families' motivation to take more responsibility for their own health; 3) information about and access to health promotion and education activities; and 4) training for volunteers and health services providers concerning health promotion and health care services for individuals and families in cooperation with local and community partners.
<p>PROGRESS: 2011/09 TO 2013/08<br/>Target Audience: Individuals living and/or enrolled in the Rocky Boy Chippewa-Cree Tribe, Stone Child College students and faculty, and Chippewa-Cree and Stone Child College administrative staff. Students and staff of the Rocky Boy Public School and Box Elder Public School were also targeted to receive education. Changes/Problems: Some challenges that were not completely overcome involved the pre and post tests. The pre and post tests for the first seminar were never returned by the first evaluator that was selected; therefore, these results could not be compiled and reported. Other issues involved matching the pre with the post tests. Numbering both pre and post testswas done; however, we continued to have the issue of some participants completing just the pre test and not the post and vice versa. Additional challenges involved
getting all age groups involved in the educational sessions; therefore, we provided the same information to both groups but making it more relevant to each group. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Several publications were produced: banner, posters, coloring book, brochure, and evaluation report. In addition, 6 DVD videos recording the first seminar were placed in the community library. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported
<p>PROGRESS: 2011/09/01 TO 2012/08/31<br/>OUTPUTS: The following seminars were conducted to date: 1. Walking in Wellness through Education I: two-day seminar (March 15-16, 2012) focusing on Health Objectives. The two-day seminar was recorded and DVDs placed in the SCC library for viewing by community members. 2. Walking in Wellness through Education II: two-day seminar (April 19-20, 2012) focusing on Behavioral Objectives. This seminar was not recorded; however, powerpoints are available and will be placed in the SCC community library. 3. Red Ribbon Campaign and Red Cross Blood Drive which tested students/SCC staff and community members on their knowledge of drugs and drug abuse by taking a national drug IQ challenge. Results are on file in the RHI Coordinator's office. 4. Youth Symposium & Wellness Fair: three day youth symposium (April 28-29, 2012) and one day wellness
fair (April 27, 2012). Results disseminated through the tribal newspaper. 5. Shatter the Myths of Drug Abuse, one day seminar (November, 2011). PARTICIPANTS: Individuals who worked on the project are LaVerne Parker, Director; Mary Gallegos, Coordinator; Health Experts: Sandra Friede, Sherri Bruington, Ann Johnstone, Martin Parker, Jolene Crebs, Patricia Tillman and Jessica Kennedy. The following organizations provided assistance with seminars: Montana Suicide Prevention; Montana Wyoming Tribal Epidemiology Center; Chippewa-Cree Tribe; Red Cross Blood Drive; Rocky Boy Domestic Violence Prevention Team; White Sky Hope Center; Rocky Boy Health Center; Rocky Boy Fitness Center; KHEW Radio Station; Rocky Boy Newspaper; Rocky Boy Water Resources Center; Stone Child College;and Rocky Boy Wellness Coalition. TARGET AUDIENCES: Target audience is the Rocky Boy community, Rocky Boy youth, and Rocky
Boy Headstart. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: A major change will be to code the pre and post tests so that we can determine if there was an increase in knowledge. All the feedback was positive. Most of the participants wanted more education offerings.

Parker, LaVerne
Stone Child College
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