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Survey and Education on Detection and Health Hazards of Inapproved Antibiotic Residues in Imported Seafoods


<OL> <LI> Identify valid, sensitive and rapid assay methods for unapproved antibiotics suitable for routine use in the seafood industry; <LI> Survey imported seafoods, focusing on shrimp and crawfish, for the unapproved antibiotic residue, chloramphenicol; <LI> Train seafood importers, processors and food science and pharmaceutical science graduate and undergraduate students for rapid assay methods of unapproved antibiotics and; <LI> Educate seafood industry personnel and the general public about the health hazards of unapproved antibiotics in food producing animals and the importance of securing the safety of our food supplies.

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Unapproved antibiotics, such as chloramphenicol, shown to be toxic to some individuals have often been found in imported seafoods. Monitoring for chloramphenicol by the official method can be quite challenging due to the requirement of highly technical and expensive instrument. The purpose of this study is to develop and validate an analytical method suitable for routing monotoring of imported seafoods and educate both seafood processors and the public for the risk of unapproved animal antibiotics in foods.
We propose to evaluate three most commonly used commercial rapid immunoassay chloramphenicol screening kits for chloramphenicol. To evaluate the performance of these three rapid assays, the following parameters will be determined for each assay: Sensitivity, Specificity, Instrument Detection Limit (IDL), Method Detection Limit (MDL), Recovery, Precision and Accuracy. These are the most important parameters for an effective analytical method according to the CVM's guideline and EC Commission decision 2002/657/EC. To test for performance of the assays, shrimp free of antibiotic residues will be obtained directly from the shrimp farm will be spiked with chloramphenicol and used as samples. The occurrence of chloramphenicol in imported seafoods will be determined by screening using the commercial rapid assay chosen above and quantifying their content accurately by analytical methods utilizing GC/MS. We will obtain both FDA-released and commercial shrimp samples for the detection of chloramphenicol from shrimp importers and processors. The collected samples will first be screened for chloramphenicol using the rapid immunoassay and then analyzed by the GC/MS method. <P> Training materials will be developed for presentations to regional and national workshops, seminars, and Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO) Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Seafood Inspection Training Courses geared to seafood processors, importers, distributors, and regulators. Training in the most sensitive and efficient rapid analytical method(s) will be provided to seafood importers, processors, and regulators through regional seminars, hands on workshops and, at a National Seafood Technology Innovations Conference in cooperation with the National Fisheries Institute (NFI). <P> The survey data to be obtained for imported shrimp and domestic shrimp and crawfish will be disseminated through brochures, pamphlets and extension publication materials and also be posted at is external). The research data to be obtained will be disseminated through professional meetings, the seafood extension services at the collaborating universities, and the National Sea Grant Advisory Network. The findings and test results will be submitted for publication in professional journals and presented at national and regional scientific meetings. Extension fact sheets, two short videos, and web sites will also be developed to summarize findings and inform the interested parties.

Clemens, Roger; An, Hae Jung
University of Southern California
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