A number of generic food processes will be evaluated, identifying their hazards and control measures. Industry needs will be assessed. Paper-based information sheets for each process type will then be developed to three levels of information complexity. These levels will take into account the knowledge levels existing within the target industry and the sheets will be refined through piloting within industry.
Web-based information sheets will also be produced and piloted in the industry. Particular attention will be paid to the graphic design, including the use of pictograms, to ensure that language and cultural differences are not a barrier to understanding.
The Agency has committed itself to improving the safety of food and a reduction in the number of cases of food poisoning in the UK by 20% of 2001 levels by April 2006. The implementation of hazard-analysis-based systems of control is a key component to improving food safety. The Agency's Task Force on the Burdens of Food Regulations on Small Food Businesses reported that while the Regulations themselves did not pose an onerous task, there were some aspects of hazard analysis that were poorly understood.
Under the Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995, all premises that handle or prepare foods must have carried out a hazard analysis of the processes and described how the identified hazards are to be controlled.
Additionally, the EU is currently reviewing all of the food hygiene regulations and it is likely that the application of HACCP procedures will become a legal requirement. HACCP and, in particular, hazard analysis and risk assessment, are seen as specific obstacles to small businesses satisfying European requirements.
This project aims to improve food chain management, enhancing product safety and quality. To do this, an information resource will be developed, aimed at small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with particular emphasis being placed on the micro-business sector. The resource will be designed to highlight hazards and risk assessment and demonstrate how certain actions and process failure may introduce a hazard or lead to an increased risk. The resource will be available as an information pack and on the internet, providing an interactive and distance learning facility.
<p>Find more about this project and other FSA food safety-related projects at the <a href="http://www.food.gov.uk/science/research/" target="_blank">Food Standards Agency Research webpage</a>.