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Technologies for the Detection of Chemical and Biological Contaminants in Foods


<p>1. Develop methods to increase sample throughput in order to improve monitoring of chemical contaminants in foods. Specifically: investigate faster screening and/or analytical approaches, and faster data processing without loss of reliability. 1A. Develop and evaluate new, useful analytical multiresidue methods that are faster than existing methods without sacrificing quality of results. 1B. Investigate practical means of processing analytical results in multiresidue analysis that lead to reliable, objective decisions with minimal human review. 1C. Develop and evaluate improved analytical screening methods in the analysis of chemicals of interest in foods. 1D. Study and implement robotic sample preparation systems to increase speed and reduce manual labor for routine analysis of chemical residues in foods.</p>
<p>2. Conduct research to evaluate the validity of new approaches for regulatory monitoring of veterinary drug residues in foods and feeds. Specifically: an assessment of sampling procedures and addressing matrix effects in quantification. 2A. Lead and conduct an AOAC International Collaborative Study to update and harmonize the QuEChERS method for analysis of chemical residues in a wide variety of foods. 2B. Investigate sampling and sample processing of appropriate matrices, taking matrix effects into account, for veterinary drug residue analysis to yield meaningful results in a fast and practical procedure. 2C. Lead and conduct an interlaboratory validation study to quantitatively and qualitatively assess our multiclass, multiresidue method for veterinary drugs in food tissue matrices.</p>
<p>3. Develop biosensor methods with multi-analyte capability for biological toxins of concern.</p>
<p>4. Modify/refine novel method for routine measurement of total phenolics, phytoestrogens and/or estrogenic endocrine disruptors. 4A. Expand application of our total phenolics method to other food and dietary products; and identify the reaction products of the key reagent with select phenolic compounds. 4B. Modify the method to screen for estrogenic compounds, including bisphenol A.</p>
<p>5. Develop novel analytical methods for inorganic and organometallic heavy metals (for example forms of mercury (Hg) and arsenic (As)) in foods and supplements. 5A. Develop modern analytical methods for mercury speciation and quantification in foods and supplements. 5B. Develop modern analytical methods for arsenic speciation and quantification in foods and supplements.</p>

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<p>1a) Evaluate novel mass spectrometric methods such as ambient mass spectrometry and supersonic molecular beam mass spectrometry combined with fast gas chromatography; 1b) use robotic systems to develop fast, automated sample cleanup approaches for routine monitoring purposes; 1c) devise data handling software that is faster and better at compiling the needed information for validating multi-class, multiresidue methods for analysis;</p>
<p>2a) multi-laboratory AOAC International collaborative studies will be pursued to achieve the gold standard quality in method validation; 2b) both gas chromatography and liquid chromatography (LC) combined with tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) will be used to assess and address matrix effects in chemical residue analysis of foods;</p>
<p>3) surface plasmon resonance biosensing instrumentation and techniques will be used to develop advanced new methods for multiple toxins of concern;</p>
<p>4) both LC-MS/MS and novel, quick chemical test methods will be used to measure total phenolics, phytoestrogens and endocrine disruptors; and</p>
<p>5) LC combined with atomic fluorescence spectroscopy will be used to rapidly and accurately determine different organometallic species of Hg and As in foods and supplements.</p>

Schneider, Marilyn; Sapozhnikova, Yelena ; Medina, Marjorie; Lehotay, Steven; Chen, Guoying
USDA - Agricultural Research Service
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