Vet-LIRN Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory ProgramPAR-18-604Indiana Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory Purdue UniversityProject Summary/Abstract:This cooperative agreement between the FDA CVM Vet-LIRN and the Indiana ADDL at PurdueUniversity, the Vet-LIRN Network Capacity-Building Project, will facilitate the effective andcoordinated analyses of animal food/drug products for microbiological contamination throughincreased capability for sample analysis and by providing for a well-equipped and staffedlaboratory. The Objective of this Capacity-Building agreement is to improve, expand, andincrease ADDL laboratory capacity for bacterial antibiotic sensitivity testing from animaldiagnostic samples and animal food/drug products through purchase of two pieces of equipmentand funding of associated technician time. These are important for the ADDL in its capacity as asource laboratory for the Vet-LIRN Pilot AMR WGS project. The Specific Aim is to acquire aBIOMIC V3 Microbiology Susceptibility Testing System which will be used to determine theantibiotic sensitivity of isolates of bacteria from veterinary diagnostic cases, a -80 Ultracoldfreezer which will be used to freeze and store bacterial isolates which meet the criteria of thePilot AMR WGS project, and to fund bacteriology technician time to perform analysis, storageand distribution of the project isolates to Vet-LIRN. In so doing, the ADDL will assist the CVMVet-LIRN in its public health mission to promote human and animal health by buildinglaboratory capacity for routine and emergency response during investigation of potentialproblems with CVM regulated products, i.e., animal feeds and drugs. This will be accomplishedby facilitating acquisition of state-of-the-art instrumentation and sufficient staffing.
Lenz, Stephen D.
Purdue University
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