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Warm Springs Extension Project


<p>The FRTEP Extension Program for the FY years 2009 - 2012 on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation in central Oregon will engage tribal livestock owners, tribal natural resource managers, and tribal families in learning about: improved rangeland management, improved cattle and equine management practices, risk management strategies in livestock and range management, economic diversification through varied crop production, and agricultural business management through workshops, demonstrations, one-on-one visitations, and cooperative projects. An emphasis will also be placed on food safety and inspection guidelines for handling uncooked meat products. These projects will focus on economic self sufficiency through improved natural resource management. They will also provide tribal member families with tools to increase the efficiency of existing operations, diversify their interests in the natural world, increase sustainable food production, and be competitive in today's changing marketplace. Youth development will focus on increasing positive decision making skills and preparing for leadership within the community. Specific objectives will focus on: </p>
<p>1) Improve rangeland management </p>
<p>2) Increase economic sustainability of livestock operations </p>
<p>3) Build tribal economic diversification through farmland and other natural resource development </p>
<p>4) Enhance positive youth development and prepare youth for leadership in their communities</p>

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<p>NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY:<br/> Situation and Goals Statement: The people of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, comprised of the Warm Springs, Wasco, and Northern Paiute Tribes, face a host of extraordinary economic and social issues that significantly impact the quality of life and economic well-being of community members on the Reservation. A decline in the timber revenues that had previously supported family-wage jobs and provided income for many Tribal programs, as well as a reduction in the number of viable businesses, and a 33% overall unemployment rate continue to threaten the health of the local economy and individuals in the community. Historically poor livestock and rangeland management practices on the Reservation have led to a lack of sustainability in family livestock operations. Research from BIA, contracted range surveys, and periodic aerial flight surveys
reveals several critical issues on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation. These include noxious weeds that crowd out perennial livestock forage, lack of managed grazing systems for horses and cattle which includes an overpopulation of feral horses that degrade the range, lack of proper animal nutrition, low survival rate of calves from conception to weaning, and lack of organized participation in the livestock industry and the agricultural marketplace by the tribal community. In addition, graduate research by the FRTEP Educator has demonstrated that there is a vital need for salt / mineral supplementation of open range livestock. In addition, approximately 1,100 acres of potential farmland, previously developed for irrigation capability, are unused because of a lack of financial capital and an intergenerational loss of farming skills in the last three decades. The aim of the FRTEP at the
Warm Springs Indian Reservation in central Oregon is to provide outreach education on the Reservation to increase the efficiency and sustainability of tribal natural resources and livestock operations which will lead to an improved quality of life for the tribal community, coupled with an enhanced natural environment. To achieve these aims, Oregon State University Extension Service FRTEP Program, in partnership with tribal, federal, and state agencies and businesses, will continue to provide programs to increase knowledge and skills of Warm Springs community members and increase the capacity of Warm Springs organizations to identify and meet the needs of the community. The FRTEP Program and its partners will accomplish this through non-formal teaching, research, and demonstration to the tribal community on the Reservation. Program participants will engage in applying new knowledge to
their livestock operations and to land management decision-making, thus improving the quality of Reservation life, improving the sustainability of natural resources, advancing technical knowledge and practices among young people, and contributing to the overall economy in Warm Springs. Education of young people through family programs involving multiple generations will continue as a key strategy in meeting these goals.
<p>APPROACH:<br/> Project Delivery Methods The Warm Springs FRTEP Program will continue to use a variety of awareness, knowledge, and skill building delivery methods that have demonstrated to be successful in Warm Springs, including workshops, clinics, news articles, "radio clips," classroom sessions, demonstrations, 4-H club activities, lectures, and tours. Programs will continue to be delivered in collaboration with solid partners, including tribal departments, tribal council committees, the school district, and grazing district groups. These collaborations have been developed over time and continue to be the backbone of our successful FRTEP Program. These partnerships also provide the basis for piloting and evaluating new avenues for the FRTEP Program on the Reservation. The program will be delivered by the 1.0 FTE FRTEP Educator, with support from a .5 FTE program
assistant (not yet hired; contingent on funding). In addition, the Warm Springs 4-H Faculty, funded by Oregon State University Extension 4-H, will assist the project in planning and conducting evaluations, and additionally assisting with volunteer management.
<p>PROGRESS: 2009/04 TO 2013/08<br/>Target Audience: The FRTEP target audience is adults and youth on the Warm Springs Reservation community, with a particular focus on individuals utilizing the range for livestock production, natural resource professionals, and individuals, departments, and Tribal Council Committees involved in economic development, natural resources, education, and youth development. The program utilizes a �family approach� to engage underserved tribal audiences by conducting programs targeted at multiple generations. Changes/Problems: A FRTEP tribal member assistant for this program was possible in the years 2010-2012. Now, due to reduced funding, this position has been drastically reduced due to a reduced level of funding. Having to scramble for dollars impacts the program as efficiency and delivery can potentially be comprimised due to
time spent in scrambling for dollars. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Annual FRTEP meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada. Through FRTEP nomination, tribal producers from Warm Springs were also able to attend the annual IAC meeting in Las Vegas. Master Gardener Program - Agriculture in the Classroom Program Assistant (FRTEP supported) attended in 2011 Western SARE SubRegional conference (Spokane, WA.).Poster: Mineral Supplementation of Livestock on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation was presented Western Region of Ag. Extension. Presentation (peer reviewed): "Evaluation of Herbicides for Control of Ventenata (Ventenata dubia), An Exotic Invasive Speices, in Central Oregon� Society for Range Management (Nevada Chapter):�2009 Conference on Wild & Feral Horse and Burro Management and Policy". Western Region of Ag. Extension.
Presentation (peer reviewed): " A Pilot Year of Forage Sample Data on Central Oregon Rangelands� Western Society of Weed Science: collaborator on range weed management project Society for Range Management, Billings, MT. Invited presentation to the Native Range session on: "Feral Horses on Tribal Rangelands" How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Weed Plot Research at Warm Springs from 2009 - 2012 disseminated information on grassy weed treatments in collaboration with Central Oregon Agricultural Reserach Station. Information was shared with colleagues regionally and natiowide and highlighted FRTEP program accomplishments to people that are not aware of the program. 2011: Invited presentation to the Native Range session on: "Feral Horses on Tribal Rangelands". Disseminated information on Equine Range Management through stallion castration clinics at Warm
Springs to 100 tribal participants that came from various other Tribes, nationwide. Information on livestock care and feeding through the Hay Workshop in 2012 reached out to members of the Confederated Tribes of Umatilla who attended the workshop. Information on Equine Health Care and Mangement in coorperation with USDA APHIS reached Confederated Tribes of Umatilla who are implementing a similar vaccination clinic on their reservation, also in coopreation with USDA APHIS. Our Extension website offers information to other Tribal entities nationwide. FRTEP PI is also a member of E-xtension Community of Interest online for Native country What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported
<p>PROGRESS: 2012/04/01 TO 2013/03/31<br/>OUTPUTS: Rangeland Resources: Taught,facilitated,and organized Targeted Grazing workshop.16 participants. Taught by invitation at workshop on grassy weed (Ventenata dubia). 32 participants. Taught by invitation at Pesticide Re certification course, 146 participants; Farm Fair, 95 participants; presented at two professional conferences; total 25 participants. Invited guest speaker at 2 University classes; total 80 students. Attended Tribal Range and Agriculture Committee meetings, and Tribal Fish & Wildlife Committee meeting. Animal Health / Management Clinics: Brucellosis Clinic: 96 tribally owned heifers vaccinated, 117 wormed. 15 tribal members participated. Horse Vaccination Clinic: 40 tribally owned horses vaccinated. Umatilla Tribes now hosting clinic based on this model. Three Equine Castration Clinics held by request of
tribal members. Other participants were OSU College of Veterinary Medicine, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, and OSU Animal Sciences. TOTAL HORSES CASTRATED IN 2012: 99. TOTAL PARTICIPANTS: 103 (38 TRIBAL MEMBERS). Other: Organized and facilitated a session on Angus cattle programs with American Angus Association. 5 participants. Presented poster: Range Horse Management Through an Annual Cooperative Clinic on The Warm Springs Indian Reservation in Oregon" at Oregon State Extension Conference. Assisted in preparing three cattle plans for tribal family operations by request. Prepared input on tribal member cattle loan request per. Economic Development Committee. Performed analysis of cow herd worm and parasite treatment per. tribal member request. Taught, Organized, and Facilitated Hay Workshop. 24 participants. Presented series of four garden workshops through this
program, taught by Master Gardener trained presenters. Topics covered were: Gardening 101, Irrigation, and Garden Season Extenders. 19 participants. Organized, facilitated, and led Fruit Loop Tour to Hood River Valley, in collaboration with the OSU Extension Nutrition program. I also taught a section on: "The history of agricultural production in Hood River Valley". 16 participants. Five site visits for tribal member request on assistance with farm and garden planning. Agriculture in the Classroom (AITC) Program: delivered in School Year 2012 and 2013. Fourth grade tribal youth were taught about food production, and youth from the 3rd. grade were involved in the AITC Literacy Project which involved reading a storybook related to food production. A tribal component was also added in 2013. Topics covered are: fish, basket making, and root gathering. Sesions are facilitated by two program
assistants. Presented "Agricultural Careers" for college students at Higher Education Winter Conference, Warm Springs. 25 students. Allocated budget monies, tracked budget, and performed necessary reporting for USDA Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Program (FRTEP) grant which supports my position and my program. PARTICIPANTS: Principal Investigator: Fara Brummer, OSU Instructor, Agriculture. Rosanna Sanders (Warm Spring tribal member): Education Program Assistant, Agriculture in the Classroom - 0.5 FTE Kim Griffin: Agriculture in the Classroom teacher (once a month) Holly Hutton: Garden Program Coordinator - once a week Partnerships: Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs provide financial support for program supplies. Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Education Branch provides building space, telephone access, and internet access. Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Branch of
Natural Resources provide information, financial support for workshops, and some equipment. OSU Veterinary College provides financial support for Equine Castration Clinics. Collaborators: OSU Extension Service technical support, OSU faculty support, USDA APHIS, NRCS, and OSU Research Stations, Intertribal Agriculture Council. TARGET AUDIENCES: Tribal members, the tribal community, and members of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. Members of other Tribes in the Northwest and nationwide that can benefit from program efforts. Intertribal Agriculture Council. Incidental audiences are members of Oregon counties that can benefit from program efforts or published information. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.
<p>PROGRESS: 2011/04/01 TO 2012/03/31<br/>OUTPUTS: 1) Range Restoration workshop:32 participants, both tribal and local community members. The focus was on: Managing Invasive Species, with input from USDA ARS. I presented: Grazing Invasive Species:A forage Calendar approach, with local field data. In May, I hosted USDA ARS who visited Warm Springs as a result of the workshop and assisted tribal Natural Resources in planning their range restoration projects. I facilitated a site tour, and acted as liason. This workshop was a result of a needs assessment that I had sent out to Tribal Natural Resource professionals in Range and Agriculture. 2)Prepared on site tour for Warm Springs Natural Resource Department from on site weed plot trials with our local University research station. 3) Invited Presentations: Society of Range Management annual meeting, Billings, Montana. Native
Range session. Presented on topic of Feral Horse Management on Indian Lands. 100 participants attended and heard about horse range issues and horse management efforts at Warm Springs which included FRTEP Extension program initiation and participation 4) Participated in Range Inventory by request of NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Service) on the reservation. Inventoried plants, assessed water developments, and performed range health condition assessments as part of a team 5) Animal Health Care Clinics: The 2nd. Bangs Vaccination Clinic. 96 tribally owned heifers were vaccinated, tagged, and tattooed by USDA APHIS in cooperation with Extension. Information on heifer care and management was discussed. 6) Three equine castration clinics were held at Warm Springs with OSU Veterinary College, a triple fold increase from 2010, with participation from a previously non-participatory range
district. 92 horses successfully castrated. 58 participating tribal members. 7) One large towable mineral feeder was placed on the range, for livestock and wildlife supplementation, with loose mineral salt. 8) Tribal Farmland: Coordinated, facilitated, and instructed Cropland Planning Group meetings with a total of 25 participants, leading to a presentation in May 2011 to Tribal Council for a Tribal Farm Initiation, which was passed through resolution. 9) Organized, facilitated, and instructed Gardening Classes series with 4 workshops. 44 total community participants throughout the series. 10) Agriculture in the Classroom Program delivered 27 classes to 529 4th. grade annual youth contacts on agricultural themes and food production. An Extension youth garden, under the care of the Ag. Program Assistant, served as a teaching tool for the youth. A summer Youth Garden Club partnered with
the Warm Springs Snap-Ed Program to deliver agricultural and nutrition programming to tribal youth 11) Owl pellet and animal pelt discussion was delivered to tribal youth. 120 tribal youth. PARTICIPANTS: Fara Brummer - Principal Investigator. Oregon State University Extension Instructor - Agriculture and Natural Resources John Brunoe - Agriculture in the Classroom Program Assistant (0.6 FTE) Partner Organizations: Oregon State University Central Oregon Agriculture Research Center Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Natural Resources Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Education Warm Springs Elementary School USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services TARGET AUDIENCES: Target audiences are tribal member community on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation which includes tribal livestock
owners, Natural Resource managers, and other community members. Efforts include Extension outreach information that is delivered to target audience through needs assessments, participation in Tribal Range and Agriculture Committe, evaluations, community input, and tribal member requests and interests including requests from Tribal Council, the Chief Operating Office and General Managers PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.
PROGRESS: 2010/04/01 TO 2011/03/31OUTPUTS: Classes conducted on the reservation: EDRR Weed Training; Mineral Assessment of Livestock in Warm Springs ; Calving School; Series of 4 gardening workshops in partnership with Tribal Diabetes Prevention Program Agriculture in the Classroom Program at Warm Springs Elementary. 144 tribal students Applied Research Projects on the reservation: Seasonal grass forage calendar for tribal Natural Resource planning - co funded by the Tribes; Weed Plot Herbicide Treatment / Seeding for range restoration application Animal Programs on the reservation: Brucellosis clinic (pilot year), with USDA APHIS; 72 heifers ; Visit to Beef Northwest Feedlot. Tribal member cattle enrolled in OSU Feedlot Futurity Program; Equine Vaccination Clinic with USDA APHIS. 39 horses; 3rd.Annual Equine Castration Clinic. 28 stallions successfully castrated;
Prepared information by tribal request on horse issues on rangeland for tribal presentation to Washington DC GAO committee on horse welfare; Participation in Feasibility Study for processing plant per tribal request; Assisted in preparing 3 cattle management plans for tribal member operations; Liason between private veterinarian service and the Tribes in purchasing $2000 worth of loose mineral for range supplementation program; Liason between Dr. Clark (Dean of Vet School, OSU) and Tribes in discussing future partnerships Cropland Planning Group: Formed a tribally based cropland planning group through Western SARE grant with the goal of developing a workable plan for one piece of tribal farm property. Presentations by OSU Crop Specialists, private industry, and tribal farm manager with field trips. A workable notebook was developed, along with a customized budget Management Plans: Liason
between Tribal Natural Resources, OSU Extension, and NRCS for requested assistance on conducting a reservation wide range assessment; Participation in "Range Restoration Team" by tribal request. Developed list of potential range restoration projects ; Edited Seed Recommendations for Rangeland - tribal document - by request; Site vist and plan development by request for tribal member ranch; Assisted in tribal stream inventory per. Other Natural Resource Issues: Organized tribal weed meeting with relevant tribal authorities as well as EDRR (Early Detection, Rapid Response) coordinator with the goal was of presenting a workshop with EDRR principles; Possible collaborative work with Agricultural Research Service in the area of grassy weeds; Field site to identify weeds per community member request. Weed treatment suggestions were made to KahNeeTa Resort on the reservation; Data collection on
Sidwalter (reservation) weed plots Advisory Council Participation: Tribal Range and Agriculture Committee Nominated 2 youth from Warm Springs for the annual Intertribal Agricultural Symposium in Las Vegas, Nevada. The two youth did presentations, and carried the flag for 600 participants PARTICIPANTS: Collaborators: OSU Veterinary College,Eastern Oregon University, Central Oregon Agricultural Research Center, Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center, OSU Animal Sciences, Bringham Young University Partner Organizations: Warm Springs Range and Agriculture Department, Warm Springs Tribal Range and Agriculture Committee, Warm Springs Natural Resources, OSU Veterinary College, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services, Agricultural Research Services, Warm Springs Elementary School, NRCS, Training / Professional Development: Attended annual Intertribal Agriculture Council meeting
TARGET AUDIENCES: Citizen Assessment of Teaching evaluations were handed out after workshop presentations to tribal audiences. Responses were positive and indicated an increase in knowledge from the events. A mid-phase survey was completed by tribal and non-tribal community members through the Cropland Planning Group Project. Evalautions indicated knowledge gained and a change in aspirations reflected by a tribal decision to begin developing a tribal farm due to the initiation from this project. An oral evaulation was conducted through the tribal community that participated in the Equine Castration Clinic. Favorable response was generated. The Dean of the Veterinary College has supported a decision to have another castration clinic at Warm Springs if there is a need. One other tribal district has indicated a need and desire for hosting this event, thus growing this aspect of the program
PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.
<p>PROGRESS: 2009/04/01 TO 2010/03/31<br/>OUTPUTS: 4/09-Workshop "Western Juniper - Effects on a Watershed"-23 attendants, Range/Ag. Committee meeting, Assessment of tribal ground for a cherry orchard, /Riparian plant identification with tribal Fisheries, Annual Equine Vaccination Clinic in collaboration with USDA APHIS and tribal Range/Ag., Agriculture in the Classroom (ATIC) Program-59 tribal 4th. graders. 2009 project centered around a vegetable garden where the youth grew their own fresh vegetables 5/09-Range/Ag. Committee meeting- Oregon Dept. of Ag. on rendering facility, Agiculture in the Classroom Program-59 tribal 4th. graders, SMILE session-14 tribal youth, 2nd. Grade Natural Resource Tour with tribal youth, Community Garden field learning session, Hay sampling per. request of tribal cattle operation, Second Equine Castration Clinic with OSU Vet College-in field
teaching session, Peer reviewed poster on "Agriculture in the Classroom in Indian County" -statewide 4-H-68 participants, 6/09-Monitored herbicide trial plots, Two Range/Ag. Committee meetings, Tribal council presentation on equine range issues, "Horse Management Issues and Solutions" slide show presented for NW Tribal Horse Coalition, AITC program-58 tribal youth, Community Garden meeting, Early Detection Rapid Response Weed Program proposed for Warm Springs 7/09-In field Master Gardener session at Community Garden, Wildlife Identification class for youth with tribal Culture/Heritage, Master Gardener program-Warm Springs supervised 8/09-Presented information on FSA Biomass program to Range/Ag. committee, Cattle plan for new tribal operation (through FSA), Steering Committee-Community Garden 9/09-Coordinated weed treatment for Community Garden 10/09-Workshop-Range Restoration: Weed
Control&Management-31 participants, Community Garden presentation to Tribal Council, Assistance with tribal cattle operation participation in Feedlot Futurity Program, Hay sampling for tribal cattle operation, Two Range/Ag. Committe meetings 11/09-Rendering plant visit with tribal team, Society for Range Mgmt. (SRM) meeting with tribal team, Host for "People of the Land-Sustaining American Indian Agriculture..." presented by University of Nevada-36 participants, Assisted two tribal producers to attend IAC/FRTEP annual meeting on scholarship 12/09-Field trip for cultural plant per, request of Tribal Council Chair, Workshop-Winter Feeding Strategies for Beef Cattle-16 participants, Hay testing for tribal cattle operation, Annual IAC/FRTEP meeting 1/10-Liason for Natural Resources/OSU Range department concerning range assessment, Tribal Council annual presentation by Range/Ag. Committee
(including Extension, Soil test information for tribal farm ground PARTICIPANTS: Fara A. Brummer - Principal Investigator. FRTEP Educator - 1.0 FTE - Oregon State Univesity Extension Shawn Morford - Agriculture in the Classroom Program Coordinator - 0.2 FTE - Oregon State University Extension Partner Organizations: Oregon State University Washington State University Warm Springs Elementary School Warm Springs Community Action Team Oregon Food and Nutrition Program (OFNEP) Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Collaborators and Contacts: Jefferson County (Oregon) Extension Oregon State University Extension Master Gardener Program Central Oregon Agricultural Research Station Warm Springs Tribal Natural Resources USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services Western Sustainable Agriculture, Research, and Education (SARE) Warm Springs Tribal Range and Agriculture Department Warm Springs
Tribal Range and Agriculture Committee Warm Springs Tribal Culture and Heritage Department Oregon State University Veterinary College Natural Resource Conservation Service Farm Service Agency TARGET AUDIENCES: Target Audience: The tribal community, Natural Resource department, Forestry Deepartmet, Elementary School, Culture and Heritage Department, Education Department, and all other tribal departments on the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation. Efforts: Delivered Extension programming through formal classroom curriculum, workshops, in field demonstrations, research efforts, Extension publication, and media (videos, slide shows, radio) to assist the Tribes in furthering Natural Resource sustainability, management, economic development, and educational opportunities. The FRTEP Program Warm Springs Extension Project focused on improved rangeland management, improved cattle and
equine management practices, risk management strategies in livestock and range management, economic diversification through varied crop production, and agricultural business management through workshops, demonstrations, one-on-one visitations, and cooperative projects. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

Brummer, Fara
Oregon State University Extension Service
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