<p>During the spring of 2012 drought restrictions in water use were in place in half of England. It is feared that this situation will continue and with global warming, more droughts are expected over the next years whilst the essential demand for water by industry, agriculture and the public increases year-on-year. As a result, in some parts of the country, water companies are restricting their supply of public water to the food industry. Use of non-potable water is an alternative to the use or reuse of precious potable water. One of the problems with this is that the risks associated with using such water need to be assessed. So far, there is no guidance on the possible uses of non-potable water, including on how to treat the water to prepare it for its intended use. The study will build on the risk assessment approach established in Guideline 70, <a href="http://www.campdenbri.co.uk/publications/pubDetails.php?pubsID=425" target="_blank">Guidelines on the reuse of potable water for food processing operations (2012).</a></p>
Water From Non–Potable Sources: Uses and Treatments
Fendler, Anke
Campden BRI
Start date
End date
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