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Manuscript Collections Search

Special Collections at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Agricultural Library houses manuscripts and archival records documenting the history of agriculture and the USDA from the 19th through the 21st centuries. These collections include correspondence, field notes, journals, photographs, publications, posters, and other items of individuals who worked for or were associated with the USDA, individuals involved in non-USDA agricultural activities, and organizations related to agriculture. For more information or to schedule a visit, please contact Special Collections.


Displaying 1 - 1 of 1 Collections

Wye Oak Collection

The Wye Oak Collection contains a Maryland Centennial Garrett State Forest commemorative plaque, preserved Wye Oak leaves (in filter paper, very fragile), Wye Oak lightning rod nails, 2 Wye Oak pins, Big Tree and Champion Tree literature, 1 mounted and framed print of the Wye Oak, 3 mounted and framed displays of Wye Oak leaves, and 2 books. A piece of wood from the actual tree is included in the collection.
Historical or Biographical Sketch
High winds of a violent thunderstorm on June 6, 2002 toppled Maryland's honorary state tree, the Wye Oak (a white oak: Quercus alba). It was located near Wye Mills, Talbot County, Maryland. Its height was 88 feet, and it measured over over 31 feet in circumference. It stood for over 450 years. It was in private hands from 1665 until 1939 when the State of Maryland purchased the acres surrounding it to create the Wye Oak State Park.
Collection Number: 425
Earliest Date: 1944
Latest Date: 2002
Bulk Dates: 1990-2002
Linear Feet: 2
Subjects: Forestry
Formats: Agricultural Art and Memorabilia
Digitization Status: None