Rural fire- and volunteer-fire departments have unique needs that stem from lack of funding to support operations such as resource planning, equipment acquisition and upkeep, retention of qualified personnel, and access to technology. The resources below are provided as an assistive tool specialized for this branch of the rural first responder. It includes information on free training programs, statistical data, and publications on fire-related topics.
Planning, Statistical and Information Resources
- Fire Research and Management Exchange System [frames.gov]
- US Fire Administration
- Developing Effective Standard Operating Procedures for Fire & EMS Departments [in.gov., PDF, 109 pages]
- Risk Management Practices in the Fire Service [fema.gov]
- Fire Prevention and Public Education [fema.gov]
- US Fire Administration Blog - Planning [fema.gov].
- Water Supply Systems and Evaluation Methods Vol. I [fema.gov] and Vol. II [fema.gov]
- Wildland Urban Interface [fema.gov]
- Virginia Dry Fire Hydrant grant program [virginia.gov]
Virginia Department of Forestry - Wildland Fire Learning Portal [wildlandfirelearningportal.net]
National Wildfire Coordinating Group
Statistics and Data
- Fire on the Web [nist.gov]
National Institute of Standards and Technology - Fire Statistics [fema.gov]
US Fire Administration - National Interagency Fire Center [nifc.gov]
Additional Resources
Training Resources
Staff training is an important part of all fire department programs. There are many sources of information and training available to rural fire departments, including libraries, networks, courses, and more. Below are links to get started in or enhance a training program.
Financial Assistance
- Assistance to Firefighters Grants [fema.gov]
Federal Emergency Management Agency. - Fire Engineering / Firefighters Support Foundation [fema.gov]
- Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant Programs [fireengineering.com]
Federal Emergency Management Agency. - Preparedness (Non-Disaster) Grants [fema.gov]
Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Information Resources
- Critical Infrastructure Protection [fema.gov]
US Fire Administration. Emergency Management and Response - Information Sharing and Analysis Center. - National Emergency Training Center Library [fema.gov] US Fire Administration.
- Online Courses [fema.gov]
US Fire Administration. - Wildland Fire Training [usda.gov]
USDA Forest Service.
Funding and Program Assistance
US federal government agencies and private organizations offer funding resources and program assistance to local officials.
There are different forms of funding programs available to rural fire departments including grants, loans, donations, and reimbursements.
Guides to Federal Programs
- Assistance Listings [sam.gov]
- Search using keywords: Emergency Preparedness and Fire Protection
- United States Fire Administration, Grants and Funding Alternatives [fema.gov]
- Offers guide to Funding Alternatives for Fire and Emergency Services.
- Fire Service Funding [nvfc.org]
- Aggregates various funding and grant-writing course Web pages.