Search the Alvin L. Young Collection on Agent Orange
The Container List for the Agent Orange Collection provides information for the majority of the items in the collection. Approximately 1,438 items in the collection have been converted to Portable Document Format, or PDF, for online access. Users can contact Special Collections to make an appointment to view the complete document onsite.
Displaying documents 2741 - 2760 of 5588
The Role of Biological Control, Intensive Skilled Labor, and Controlled Fire in Achieving Realistic Vegetation Management Objectives: Summary
TCDD Residues Disappear
TCDD Residue Disappears
Method Rids Agent Orange of TCDD Contamination
Large Ocean-Going Ship to Burn Wastes at Sea
Risks of Shipping Chemicals Studied
Burning Question: From Whence Dioxin?
Debate Continues over Dow's Dioxin Theory
USDA 'Sworn' to Encourage Use of IPM, Natural Controls, Forest Symposium Told
Dioxin Haunts EPA Refuse Plans
Dioxin Puts Dow on the Spot
Typescript: Three Years of Field Studies on the Soil Persistence and Movement of 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T and TCDD
A Rapid Gas Chromatographic Method for the Determination of Several Phenoxyalkanoic Acid Hebicides in Soil Samples
Chapter 6: Oxidative Control of Chemical Pollutants by Ruthenium Tetroxide
Herbicides : A Compilation of their Physical, Chemical, and Biological Properties
An Efficient Method for the Quantitative Determination of 2,3,7,8-TCDD at ppt Level in Soil Samples
Occurrence and Absence of Polychlorodibenzofurans and Polychlorodibenzodioxins in Fly Ash from Municipal Incinerators
2,4-D Amine: Toxicity and Residual Effect
Soil Microbiological Assessment of Toxicity of Alkanoate, Amide and Other Herbicides
Differential Response of Chromosomes of Young and Adult Tissue to Chemicals