Search the Alvin L. Young Collection on Agent Orange
The Container List for the Agent Orange Collection provides information for the majority of the items in the collection. Approximately 1,438 items in the collection have been converted to Portable Document Format, or PDF, for online access. Users can contact Special Collections to make an appointment to view the complete document onsite.
Displaying documents 381 - 400 of 5588
Aerial Spraying of 2,4,5-T and Human Birth Malformations: An Epidemiological Investigation
Maligna Medenkymala Tumorer Och Exposition for Fenoxisyror - en Linisk Observation (Malignant Mesenchymal Tumors Exposure to Phenoxyacids, A Clinical Observation)
Chapter 21: Epidemiological Studies on Soft-Tissue Sarcoma, Malignant Lymphoma, Nasal and Nasopharyngeal Cancer, and Their Relation to Phenoxyacetic Acid or Chlorophenol Exposure
Relation of Soft-Tissue Sarcoma, Malignant Lymphoma and Colon Cancer to Phenoxy Acids, Chlorophenols and Other Agents
Cancer Epidemiology in Northern Sweden
Hodgkin's Disease - A Supplement
Malignant Mesenchymal Soft-Tissue Sarcomas and Exposure to Phenoxyacetic Acids or Chlorophenols
Typescript: Review of Translated Article: Hardell, L. and Sandstrom, A. Case-Control Study. Malignant Mesenchyme Soft Tissue Tumour and Exposure to Phenoxy Acids or Chlorophenols. Lakartidningen, Vol. 75, No. 40, 1978 (sic); 14 November 1978
Epidemiological Study of Socioeconomic Factors and Clinical Findings in Hodgkin's Disease, and Reanalysis of Previous Data Regarding Chemical Exposure
Malignant Lymphoma and Exposure to Chemical Substances, Especially Organic Solvents, Chlorophenols and Phenoxy Acids [translation]
Case-Control Study: Soft-Tissue Sarcomas and Exposure to Phenoxyacetic Acids or Chlorophenols
Epidemiological Study of Nasal and Nasopharyngeal Cancer and Their Relation to Phenoxy Acid or Chlorophenol Exposure
Letter to the Editor: Malignant Lymphoma of Histiocytic Type and Exposure to Phenoxyacetic Acids or Chlorophenols
Letter to the Editor: Soft-Tissue Sarcoma, Malignant Lymphoma, and Exposure to Phenoxyacids or Chlorophenols
Letter to the Editor: Soft-Tissue Sarcoma, Phenoxy Herbicides, and Chlorinated Phenols
Malignant Lymphoma and Exposure to Chemicals, Especially Organic Solvents, Chlorophenols and Phenoxy Acids: A Case-Control Study
Case-Control Studies: Soft-Tissue Sarcomas and Malignant Lymphomas and Exposure to Phenoxy Acids or Chlorophenols
Abstract: En Italiensk giftkatastrofe og Eftersonningerne i Denmark [An Italian Toxin Disaster and Its Repercussions in Denmark] Dansk. Ind. 10: 18-21: 1976 (Danish)
Spontaneous Abortion and Exposure During Pregnancy to the Herbicide 2,4,5-T
Senator Hatfield's Letter to the Environmental Protection Agency Concerning Industrial Wastes Containing Dioxins