Search the Alvin L. Young Collection on Agent Orange
The Container List for the Agent Orange Collection provides information for the majority of the items in the collection. Approximately 1,438 items in the collection have been converted to Portable Document Format, or PDF, for online access. Users can contact Special Collections to make an appointment to view the complete document onsite.
Displaying documents 1201 - 1220 of 5588
Press Release: Research Council Panel Calls for Major Changes in Agent Orange Study Proposed by Air Force, May 8, 1980.
Typescript: Meeting with General Myers and Mr. Zengerle, 27 May 1980
Proposals to Study Veterans Criticized
Review of U. S. Air Force Protocol: Epidemiological Investigation of Health Effects in Air Force Personnel Following Exposure to Herbicide Orange
Typescript: List of Eight Points Regarding the NAS Review of the USAF Herbicide Orange Protocol, 5 June 1980.
Letter: to R. Jeffrey Smith from Patricia A. Buffler, Darwin R. Labarthe, and Reuel A. Stallones, regarding an article Smith wrote in Science magazine about the NRC committee review of the proposed Air Force Ranch Hand Study, 06 June 1980.
Typescript: Response to the NAS Report Re: The Air Force Study of Personnel Exposed to Herbicide Orange, 2 June 1980
Memorandum: from George D. Lathrop to USAFSAM/CC, with subject Response to the NAS Report Re: The Air Force Study of Personnel Exposed to Herbicide Orange, 6 June 1980.
Epidemiologic Investigation of Health Effects in Air Force Personnel Following Exposure to Herbicide Orange
Agent Orange Update
Memorandum: for SAF/MIQ (Dr. Carlos Stern), from Maj. Gen. Murphy A. Chesney, with subject Ranch Hand II Media Considerations, 9 August 1980.
Ranch Hand Viet Nam Association Newsletter, September 29, 1980
Manuscript: Handwritten notes labeled "Ranch Hand Data"
The Ranch Hand Health Effects Study
Preliminary Report: Subject: "Aerosol Dispersion and Internal Airflow Studies on UC-123K Aircraft - An Exposure Estimate", 14-16 Apr 80 and 12-14 May 80
Summary of Agent Orange Data Released by Interagency Group
Ranch Hand Viet Nam Association Newsletter, September 20, 1981
Letter: to Al Young from Jack Spey, inviting Young to speak at the 15th annual reunion of the Ranch Hand crew, 25 September 1981.
Ranch Hand Viet Nam Association Newsletter, December 10, 1981
Typescript: University of Washington, Abstract, An Estimate of the Relative Exposure of U. S. Air Force Crewmembers to Agent Orange