Browse Items: 181

99 Ways to Share the Meat

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America's meat supply this year is the largest in our history. But it must feed more people than ever before — our armies, our allies, ourselves. We must make sure our armed forces and allies get meat — enough and on time.

To assure this essential for victory, a Government order limits the amount of meat delivered to civilians. Now we civilians…

Ruth O'Brien

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Clothes for the Physically Handicapped Homemaker, With Features Suitable for all Women

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Clothing illustrated in this publication was developed to suggest ways of eliminating or alleviating some of the common problems of women whose hornemaking duties and self- care are made difficult by physical handicaps. Many of the garments and special design features will be of interest also to able-bodied homemakers who want clothing that is…

Children's Rompers

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The clothes of the young child help make the man. Recent findings of science on the far-reaching importance of habits formed in early childhood, and on the beneficial effect of direct sunlight on the body go to prove it. These and other practical points on child health and training are here applied to children's rompers and play suits.

When the…

Farmhouse: Split-Level Expansible

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This split-level brick house is designed for a sloping site. A family with 2 or 3 small children can live comfortably in the basic unit. As the family grows, another bedroom can be added with only minor changes in the original structure.

The house was constructed at the Agricultural Research Center in Beltsville, Md. Although the structure was…

Farmhouse Plans for Northeastern States

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How These Plans Were Produced

Regional Plan Services are organized in four regions — Northeast, South, West, and North Central.

These Plan Services are conducted cooperatively by the United States Department of Agriculture, the State extension services, and the agricultural engineering departments of the State agricultural colleges.


Your Farmhouse: Cut-Outs to Help in Planning

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Good house planning is a family job. It is best done carefully over a period of time and in easy stages before you engage a builder.

Before planning to remodel or build a new farm- house, let the whole family get together and talk over just what each one wants in a house. For example, the children are older and need more bedrooms or a more…

Your Farmhouse: How to Plan Remodeling

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So you are planning to remodel your old farmhouse! It is half a century at least since Grandfather built it. It was a good house by the standards of those days. It is probably a good house yet. Otherwise you would not want to make it over.

Age can bring out a lot of weaknesses and faults, of course, even in a well-built house. Also, your house…

3-Bedroom Farmhouse with Beltsville Kitchen Design No. 2

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This traditionally accented house with generous living areas should appeal to families with children. The family room with dining space is a continuation of the kitchen area. Sliding glass doors open onto a terrace conveniently located for toddlers' play within sight of both the kitchen and the family room. Proximity to the kitchen makes the…

2-Bedroom Farmhouse with Beltsville Kitchen Design No. 2

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This spacious and attractive farmhouse was planned around the Beltsville Energy-Saving Kitchen Design No. 2. The house is of masonry and frame construction; it has a low-pitched roof, large window areas, a carport, and a basement.

The design lends itself to convenient indoor-outdoor living. Sliding glass doors in the living room lead onto a…

L-shaped Kitchen Arrangements

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These are examples of efficient L-shaped arrangements for kitchens. The width of each work area is based on the recommended counter widths given on page 4 and the cabinet space needed above and below the counter to store items listed on page 3. Foods are grouped by area at which they are stored, such as range foods. In some arrangements, two types…

Broken-U Kitchen Arrangements

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Broken-U arrangements for kitchens usually fit well into combination rooms such as kitchen-dining, kitchen-family, or kitchen-work rooms.

Three arrangements are shown. In the first the refrigerator is in the island; in the second the sink is; and in the third the range is. In each arrangement at least the minimum amount of counter spaces, as…

Parallel-Wall Kitchen Arrangements

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These are examples of efficient parallel-wall arrangements for kitchens. The recommended counter widths as given on page 4 and the cabinet space needed to store the items listed on page 3 were considered in the development of these arrangements. Foods are grouped by and stored near the area at which they are usually used first — mix center, sink,…

U-shaped Kitchen Arrangements

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Illustrated are three U-shaped kitchen arrangements. Two of them have the sink in the center and one has the range in the center. When developing these arrangements, the recommended amount of counter space for each area was considered and storage was planned for all the items listed on page 3.

No special cabinets are shown for the corner base…

Report of the Chief of the Bureau of Home Economics

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The Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics completed on June 30, 1948, its first quarter century of research on behalf of the Nation's homemakers.

In June 1923 the Secretary of Agriculture announced that "pursuant to provisions contained in the Agricultural Appropriations Act for the fiscal year 1924" the Office of Home Economics would…

The Farm Kitchen As A Workshop

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THE FARM KITCHEN has been, and too often is at present, living room, dining room, washroom, laundry, entry from outdoors, and passageway to other parts of the house, as well as cookroom. Even in houses where it is possible to use the kitchen for the preparation of food only, it is very often far too large and is used for work which might better be…

The Smith-Lever Act

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Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics: What It Is and What It Does

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To put science to work for better everyday living is the assignment of a small research bureau in the United States Department of Agriculture: The Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics.

The Bureau does its work in the interest of consumers, particularly homemakers, as other Government branches aid the farmer, manufacturer, merchant, wage…

Henry C. Wallace

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3-Bedroom Farmhouse With Beltsville Energy-Saving Kitchen-Workroom Design No. 1

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"A house should grace its site, not disgrace it," Frank Lloyd Wright once wrote. Whether the site is a flat pasture, a rugged hilly plot, or a small urban lot, this simple rectangular-shaped house will fit well.

Particular attention was paid to circulation in planning this house. The hall provides direct access to all rooms—-including the…